Hello weblizar,
I am managing several websites including 6 using WordPress. Each of the latter include a hidden branch were users can log in to acquire ‘internal’ information. To have maximum control, in all my sites users are pre-registred by me (avg 20 per site). Users then use the ‘password forgotten’ mechnism to set their own password.
Now, here comes the short list with login failures and how they are displayed in ull:
1. wrong user name: id=0, user role, user email and name =””. In some cases I can guess who the user is, then sending taht user an email with the correct user name.
2. wrong password: all above fields filled in w/ correkt information. When I see this multiply for a user, I am contacting that person to find out what the problem is (70% CAPS LOCK ??
That’s all. Need more information on this?
For my purposes it would be good enough to display the login result as a green resp. red “light”. Ths could be in a separate column or e.g. the id column with background color pale green/red.
Best regards