Hi seowizardaltaf,
The issues seems to be related to with the specific WP theme and getting some conflict.
Please follow the steps below to resolve it:
1. Open “wp-content/plugins/loginradius-for-wordpress/LoginRadius_function.php” (located in your WordPress root folder)..
2. Search following code:-
if(urldecode($loc) == wp_login_url() OR urldecode($loc) == site_url().’/wp-login.php?action=register’
Place following code in the line above the code:
if(urldecode($loc) == site_url().’/wp-login.php’){
$loc = site_url().’/’;
return $loc;
3. Search following code:
urldecode($_GET[‘redirect_to’]) == admin_url()
Place following code after the code (there is a space character before “||” in the code mentioned below):
|| urldecode($_GET[‘redirect_to’]) == site_url().”/wp-admin/&reauth=1″
4. Save the file.
It should resolve the conflict with your theme.