• I’ve never used wordpress before and I’m new to sql and php to say the least. I’ve set up Apache at home as a localhost with PHP 5 and Mysql 4.newest. I performed the install and retrieved a password. When I enter the user and password, I’m taken, basically to the wordpress directory. No style, no web page, no interface, just a big directory listing. What am I doing wrong?

    I’ve cleared cookies and tried to look for config issues. I can see the db’s set up by wp, so I know sql is working fine. I get the php parsed login page just fine, so I assume php is set up fine. What can I do?

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  • you sure your .htaccess isn’t set up to show directory listing?

    Thread Starter mindsap


    allow me to admit how un educated I am in this department. I’m only vaguely aware of what an .htaccess file is, much less how to go about setting one up. Help?

    EDIT: A brief search of my apache directories reveals I have no htaccess files whatsoever.

    the .htaccess file is usually hidden. I don’t know if this would affect you at all, it was just an idea i threw out there.

    Thread Starter mindsap


    my folder options are set so that I can see hidden files. Should I have an .htaccess file?

    again, i have no idea if this is really your reason as it could be any setting you have since it’s on your home computer.


    You’d want to add Options -Indexes to an .htaccess file.

    Thread Starter mindsap


    that was the only option in the file when I created it.. and no change with that yet either. Where can I get an old copy of wordpress? I hear some have had luck with installing version 1.2.2 then upgrading to 1.5.

    I’m suspicious that I don’t have a PHP 5 setting correctly adjusted. Anyone got any ideas on that?

    Moderator James Huff


    Do you have an index.php file in /wp-admin/ ?

    I just had the same problem installing wp on my home machine (OS x 10.2.8), partly having to do with upgrading to php 4.3.4 which seemed to break all my .htaccess files. Here’s how I fixed it.

    1. If you haven’t created a .htaccess file, do so for the directories wp-admin and the wproot directory. It should just contain one line:

    DirectoryIndex index.php

    which tells the web server that when it receives a request for a the directory with no file, to use the file given in the .htaccess file.

    I was still getting errors but found this thread:


    Basicially I had to edit my apache configuration file (look for httpd.conf) to read:

    # This controls which options the .htaccess files in directories can
    # override. Can also be “All”, or any combination of “Options”, “FileInfo”,
    # “AuthConfig”, and “Limit”
    AllowOverride All

    which had been set to ‘None’ previous to upgrading php. You may not need this step. If you modify httpd.conf you need to restart apache.

    Thread Starter mindsap


    Do you have an index.php file in /wp-admin/ ?

    Yes, I do.

    As for the .htaccess files and the server settings.. let me try those real quick.. I have a sneaking suspician the apache modifications may be what’s missing

    Thread Starter mindsap


    Otay… the htaccess file has stopped the directory tree from listing on the page.. but it still doesn’t move past the login page.

    Thread Starter mindsap


    I have the same problem on 1.2.1 I’m at a loss. I’ve downgraded to php 4.3 and apache 1.3, so I was hoping in all that I would get a fix.. but that’s not the case.

    Why, when I log in, do I simply see the wordpress directory listing?

    Thread Starter mindsap


    Problem resolved.. it’s called.. never leave zone alarm running while working on new Web stuffss…… Sorry for the stupidity and thanks for all the help!

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