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  • Plugin Author smartcat


    Hi there,

    What type of users can’t access wp-admin ?


    Thread Starter karimbadruddin


    normal support users.
    before was all good they were able to access the site admin with limited controls by admin
    but now when click site admin it doesn’t open nothing, it remains on same page.

    Plugin Author smartcat


    the “Support User” role has no capabilities on the wp-admin side of things. There’s no option in uCare for them to click on site admin. Where are you clicking exactly to test ?
    What is the purpose for Support User role in wp-admin?

    Thread Starter karimbadruddin


    its not only your system that is running on my system there are other form system that users need to access it from back end to see there processes.
    in your last version its working fine i don’t know why you changed it

    Plugin Author smartcat


    uCare as of 1.6 prevents Support Agent and Support User roles from accessing wp-admin. This only applies to the Roles created by uCare, doesn’t apply to any other plugin. Out of curiosity, are you utilizing uCare’s roles for other purposes?

    If there’s a need to disable that, we can probably add an option to toggle this. At this time, it cannot be toggled off. This was added to prevent non admin users from seeing the WP Dashboard. There was several requests for this, which is why it was added.

    Thread Starter karimbadruddin


    your plugin is overriding my roles policy .. my all user have right to access wp dashboard so that they can view that status, reports and etc
    if its possible to provide and option for using roles as it is then that would be great.

    Plugin Author smartcat


    ill repeat, this plugin does not override any permissions for any user roles created by other plugins. uCare only handles Support User, Support Agent and Support Admin, which all belong to uCare.

    In either case, we’re adding a check to allow admins to enable Support users to go to /wp-admin/

    This will be implemented in the next update, currently testing.

    Plugin Author smartcat


    update ready. version 1.7.0

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