Login using wp_signon on 'non-linked' page.
Hi there guys,
I’m currently creating a ‘start-page’ for my browser (home screen? Don’t know how to say in English).. Anyway, I want this to be linked with my blog.
For instance:
I have 2 ‘sub-sites’ blog.mysite.nl (blog) and start.mysite.nl (home screen).
They are completely different sites, blog.mysite users wordpress and start.mysite doesn’t. I’m creating something for myself and it’s NOT a plug-in for wordpress. Users have to login for their own ‘home page’. But I also want them to be logged in for my blog. So when you’re online on my blog, you’re also logged in on your ‘home screen’ and vice-versa.But I have no clue what I have to include in my ‘home screen’ site. I searched around, read the scripts from wp, and searched in de codex section. But I can’t find anything helpfull..
It always uses other functions (which are deep in other files). So.. in order to use the login script of wp (and logout) on my ‘external page’ which is not linked in any way (only with the ‘wp_users’ table in my mysqldatabase).
how to place a login form on start.mysite.nl and login so you’re logged in for blog.mysite.nl AND start.mysite.nl.
If it’s not clear to you what I’m saying (what I can completely understand), please ask for more information.
Thanks, and I hope you can help me.
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