• Hello, is ist possible to edit the login window where users have to login to bookmark ? So that there only appears a message to tell the user to login within another link before bookmarking ?
    I don′t need the textboxes for username, password and the submit button there. It did not work. Where can i edit this ? I looked around but i didn′t find. Please help

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  • Plugin Author Sabuj Kundu


    Allow us time for a new release. At this moment the login form is hard coded in the plugin though it can be remove using hook

    Thread Starter cshijacked


    Hey, thanks for the fast reply. I cannot find:



    Plugin Author Sabuj Kundu


    @cshijacked see this https://prnt.sc/j74V8ZMOVTPt
    wp-content/plugins/cbxwpbookmark/includes/class-cbxwpbookmark-helper.php line 395 or in that file search for that hook

    Thread Starter cshijacked


    Hey and many thanks for the tipp. For all others with custom login form. Ich changed the following lines between 388 and 403 (see the bold parts)

    $cbxwpbkmark_login_html = '<h3 class="cbxwpbookmark-title cbxwpbookmark-title-login">' . esc_html__( 'Bitte melde dich an um diese Funktion zu nutzen!', 'cbxwpbookmark' ) . '</h3>';
    			//$cbxwpbkmark_login_html .= wp_login_form( [
    			//	'redirect' => $redirect_url,
    			//	'echo'     => false
    			//] );
    			$cbxwpbkmark .= apply_filters( 'cbxwpbookmark_login_html', $cbxwpbkmark_login_html, $login_url, $redirect_url );
    			$guest_register_html = '';
    			$guest_show_register = intval( $settings_api->get_option( 'guest_show_register', 'cbxwpbookmark_basics', 1 ) );
    			if ( $guest_show_register ) {
    				if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) {
    					$register_url        = add_query_arg( 'redirect_to', urlencode( $redirect_url ), wp_registration_url() );
    					$guest_register_html .= '<p class="cbxwpbookmark-guest-register">' . sprintf( __( 'Hier kannst du dich <a href="https://mysite.com/sign-in/">anmelden</a>', 'cbxwpbookmark' ), $register_url ) . '</p>';
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