• Resolved rzul


    I apologize for the repetitive question, but the topic with the same name is marked resolved and there is no real answer to the question. I need to place a logo in the header where the site title is currently positioned (top left). Does anyone care to share how to do this exactly? I realize the code within the header.php file needs to be edited, but I am requesting more specific instruction because I am fearful I will break something.

    In the header.php file, I am looking at this section of code. Can you please advise me on what to do to eliminate the site title and replace it with my logo image?

    		// Collapsed navbar menu toggle
    		global $theme_options;
    		$navbar = '<div class="navbar ' . $theme_options['navbar_classes'] . '">'
    			.'<div class="container">'
            	.'<div class="navbar-header">'
              	.'<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">'
                .'<span class="icon-bar"></span>'
                .'<span class="icon-bar"></span>'
                .'<span class="icon-bar"></span>'
    		// Site title (Bootstrap "brand") in navbar. Shown by default. Customizer will
    		// let you hide it if you want.
    		$navbar .= '<a class="navbar-brand" href="'
    			.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) )
    			.'" rel="home">'
    			.get_bloginfo( 'name' )
            $navbar .= '</div><!-- navbar-header -->';
    		// Display the desktop navbar
    		$navbar .= wp_nav_menu(
    			array(  'theme_location' => 'primary',
    			'container_class' => 'navbar-collapse collapse', //<nav> or <div> class
    			'menu_class' => 'nav navbar-nav', //<ul> class
    			'walker' => new wp_bootstrap_navwalker(),
    			'fallback_cb' => 'wp_bootstrap_navwalker::fallback',
    			'echo'	=> false
    		echo apply_filters( 'xsbf_navbar', $navbar );

    This is the HTML I would normally use to place my header:

    <a class="navbar-brand" rel="home" href="https://candtconstruction.com">
    <img width="155" height="50" alt="CandTConstruction" src="https://candtconstruction.com/wp-content/themes/pratt/images/logo-50.gif"></a>

    Thank you in advance for your time.

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  • Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi, rzul. You could have still replied to the other post and I could have replied there. Marking it “resolved” just means I had provided an answer. You’re almost there as far as what you need to do.

    There is this code in header.php that outputs the site title (“name”) wrapped in a link:

    // Site title (Bootstrap "brand") in navbar. Shown by default. Customizer will
    // let you hide it if you want.
    $navbar .= '<a class="navbar-brand" href="'
    		.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) )
    		.'" rel="home">'
    		.get_bloginfo( 'name' )

    You want this code instead for the logo and link:

    <a class="navbar-brand" rel="home" href="https://candtconstruction.com">
    <img width="155" height="50" alt="CandTConstruction" src="https://candtconstruction.com/wp-content/themes/pratt/images/logo-50.gif"></a>

    So the new code in header.php should look something like this. Note that the code for the link and rel=”home” is already handled. All you are doing is replacing out the name with an image:

    // Site title (Bootstrap "brand") in navbar. Shown by default. Customizer will
    // let you hide it if you want.
    $navbar .= '<a class="navbar-brand" href="'
    		.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) )
    		.'" rel="home">'
    		.'<img width="155" height="50" alt="CandTConstruction" src="https://candtconstruction.com/wp-content/themes/pratt/images/logo-50.gif">'

    Hi Tim,

    Your themes are great!

    I’ve used this code to replace the text with my logo. However, I would like my logo to be moved up a couple of pixels. It currently starts at where the text for my navbar begins. As a result, the logo bleeds past the navbar on mobile and looks awkward on a desktop resolution. I want it aligned as perfectly as your Spot screenshot. I’ve tried adding this code style="vertical-align:middle"
    to .'<img width=”…”>, but it doesn’t work. Can you help?

    Thanks in advance!

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    In general, its really hard to align things in the center vertically with CSS. For example, here is a lengthy discussion about it: Stack Overflow

    However, since I assume you have a hard-coded image size, can’t you just adjust the top and bottom padding? The navbar is 50px high. The .navbar-brand, which is where the original text and now your image is contained, has has 14px top and bottom padding because the font-size is 22px.

    If your image is let’s say 32px high, then you could add this css:
    .navbar-brand { padding-top: 9px; padding-bottom: 9px; }

    The css that you mentioned isn’t working. I put it after .<img… correct?

    I get this message:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/wp-content/themes/flat-bootstrap/header.php on line 96

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi, You would need to add that CSS to the style.css file or use the Jetpack Custom CSS module and add it there. If this is the only change you are making and you just want to “hard-code” that style right in the php file, you’d apply an inline style like this:

    // Site title (Bootstrap "brand") in navbar. Shown by default. Customizer will
    // let you hide it if you want.
    $navbar .= '<a class="navbar-brand" href="'
    		.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) )
    		.'" rel="home" style="padding-top: 9px; padding-bottom: 9px;">'
    		.'<img width="155" height="50" alt="CandTConstruction" src="https://candtconstruction.com/wp-content/themes/pratt/images/logo-50.gif">'

    Thank you! This solved my issue. I’d spent a couple of hours working on it.

    damn, it doesn’t work for me ??

    I use the Spot theme and commented out the “red-spot-function” to replace it with your code. No there is the site title but the logo isn’t displayed. Do you have an idea how I can solve this?


    I have an open post about the class ‘navbar-brand’. My site is amberlynnbenton.com.

    I’m using the Genesis Simple Hooks plugin to place the logo over the header as I have a custom header background image.

    Am I correct in assuming that this div is not set to the width of the entire header? I want to center the logo horizontally on the header but it Is remaining on the left. Since I have set it to align ‘middle’ I’m assuming it is aligned in the div, but the div is just shorter than the header.

    I unhooked the defualt header and placed this code inside the appropriate box in the plugin:

    <div class="navbar-brand">
                <h1 class="logo">
                   <a href="https://www.amberlynnbenton.com/">
    <img src="https://www.amberlynnbenton.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/amberlynnheader.png" alt="Amber Lynn Benton" align="middle">


    I think that the navbar-brand is a bootstrap class? Anyway it’s not listed in my css so I had to find an html fix. There is probably a better way, but to fix this issue I added a style with a margin-left value of 25%. Check it out: amberlynnbenton.com

    <div class="navbar-brand">
                <h1 class="logo" style="margin-left:25%;">
                   <a href="https://www.amberlynnbenton.com/">
    <img src="https://www.amberlynnbenton.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/AmberLynnYellow.png" alt="Amber Lynn Benton" align="middle">
    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    @b1mb4m, I’d need a link to your site. You should enable Developer Mode in your Browser, so you can view the page source and see what HTML code is being output.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    @amberlynnbenton, navbar-brand is definitely a Bootstrap class. You wouldn’t need it for your theme, but its fine to use it if you want since you’ll be styling it with inline CSS. I wouldn’t add a 25% margin, though, as your logo won’t be centered on smaller browser widths or mobile devices. Instead I’d use this technique to center the image. Note that you need to put this style on the <img> itself, not the container (navbar-brand).

    style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;"

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