@matt84532 the following solution displays logo, tagline and menu, all centered on top of each other. also, social links are removed from header:
CSS (goes inside style.css of child theme):
.brand.span10.offset1 {float: none;}
.tc-header .outside {display: block; text-align: center;}
.navbar-inner .row-fluid .span7.site-description {display: none;}
.navbar-wrapper .navbar.notresp.row-fluid { float: none; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; }
.navbar .navbar-inner {padding: 20px 0 0; }
.navbar .nav {float: none; width: 100%; text-align: center;}
.navbar .nav > li {float: none; display: inline-block;}
.navbar .nav > li .dropdown-menu li {float: left; width: 100%; text-align: left;}
@media (max-width: 979px) {
.tc-header .brand {width: auto;}
.row-fluid .offset1:first-child { margin-left: 0; }
PHP (goes inside functions.php of your child theme):
// center the logo by switching TBs classes on brand div:
add_filter('tc_logo_title_display', 'custom_center_brand');
function custom_center_brand($output) {
return preg_replace('/brand span3/', 'brand span10 offset1', $output);
// prevent the output of tc_social_in_header:
add_filter('tc_social_in_header', 'prevent_social_in_header');
function prevent_social_in_header($output) {
// remove span9 from navbar-wrapper:
add_filter('tc_navbar_display', 'remove_span9_navbar_display');
function remove_span9_navbar_display($output) {
return preg_replace('/navbar-wrapper clearfix span9/', 'navbar-wrapper clearfix', $output);
@rdell: i appreciate your time and effort into unifying the solutions and posting only the good stuff so users don’t get lost. feel free to use any of my bits in your guides. questions are welcome too ??