• The logo upload in the customizer requires you to crop (resize) your image to 250px. That’s it. You can’t have a larger logo, and considering the real estate in the header, you should be able to make the logo bigger. It requires adjusting the functions.php file or the customizer.php file to change this outrageous behavior. I can’t believe that a theme would necessarily force the size to be so small given the space available. The header now is basically just a landing area, and not like themes of old that had super tiny logos forced in the nav bar. Come on!! This theme could very much allow for people to place a massive logo in the center of the header image, if they want to. I only like to use basic WordPress themes but this is ridiculous. I don’t want to use another theme and risk all kinds of crazy coding just to get a bigger logo. Unbelievable.

    Oh, and if anyone wants to tell me that you can make it bigger with CSS, well, you can’t. I’ve tried targeting everything (there’s only a few places to target), and nothing works because the customizer rules over everything.

    The logo uploader should allow a user to set what size they want. Then, position it where they want, like the center of the page or allow you to put in variables. Again, this is ridiculous that this is not available. It seems really basic of a requirement. Just take out that damn cropper and let people adjust the image size in the media area. That functionality already exists. The uploader says, “Recommended size is 250 x 250px” but, it’s not just a recommendation; that’s a hard and fast rule!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by debbitage.
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  • What you asking here is actually not that easily achievable via coding

    The logo uploader should allow a user to set what size they want. Then, position it where they want, like the center of the page or allow you to put in variables.

    Millions of people download this basic theme and simplicity is key.
    A default theme – as strange as it may sound – cannot cater for everyone’s specific needs. Instead it provides a good base to work from. You can easily create a child theme and modify it’s looks if you want to make it look more custom. That’s the real purpose of the default themes.

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