Here’s a treat – my first php Filter! It works for me so I hope it does for you too.
Put your images in a directory (eg /wp-content/uploads and change the $img1 – $img5 names below.
Add this code to a Child Theme functions.php:
// display Images:
add_filter('tc_social_in_header', 'replace_si_with_images');
function replace_si_with_images($resp) {
$img1 = esc_url( home_url().'/wp-content/uploads/logo20x20.png' );
$img2 = esc_url( home_url().'/wp-content/uploads/logo20x20.png' );
$img3 = esc_url( home_url().'/wp-content/uploads/logo20x20.png' );
$img4 = esc_url( home_url().'/wp-content/uploads/logo20x20.png' );
$img5 = esc_url( home_url().'/wp-content/uploads/logo20x20.png' );
//class added if not resp
$class = ('resp' == $resp) ? '':'span5'
<div class="social-block <?php echo $class ?>">
<?php if ( 0 != tc__f( '__get_option', 'tc_social_in_header') ) : ?>
<img class="social-icon si-image" src="<?php echo $img1?>" width="20" height="20" />
<img class="social-icon si-image" src="<?php echo $img2?>" width="20" height="20" />
<img class="social-icon si-image" src="<?php echo $img3?>" width="20" height="20" />
<img class="social-icon si-image" src="<?php echo $img4?>" width="20" height="20" />
<img class="social-icon si-image" src="<?php echo $img5?>" width="20" height="20" />
<?php endif; ?>
If you need to add any CSS styling, an example might be:
.si-image {margin-right: 10px;}