logout not possible after activation of plugin
with childtheme of twentytwelve
after activation of plugin it seems to start action – at least my IP-Adress appears in file ips. but when i try to logout an error message appears some twenty times saying: (two of them): Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /volume1/homes/WPTest/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/iosec-anti-flood-security-gateway-module/iosec.php:316) in /volume1/homes/WPTest/www/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 698 Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /volume1/homes/WPTest/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/iosec-anti-flood-security-gateway-module/iosec.php:316)
this in address line:
https://grab.kdgconnect.de/~WPTest/wordpress/wp-login.php?action=logout&_wpnonce=5e7e784494going back to https://grab.kdgconnect.de/~WPTest/wordpress/ i see that the blog seems to be in order – only i can’t logout.
(as you see – this is my test installation)
as soon as i deactivate again the plugin logout is possible again
I would like to use the plugin, but staying logged in as admin forever is not acceptable.
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