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  • No groups but lets start one!
    Desperate to meet people interested in this stuff~~

    There’s a very popular and active group held every month:

    Hey Guys, I’m a n00b web designer & have decided to build sites exclusively in wp, which I’m teaching myself from a book as we speak. I’m about an hour from London by train and can’t meet up in the city regularly. I’m excited to be part of this online community to gain help and advice & to give help and support to others in time too. Thanks Lee, for the link to the group in London!

    Hey everyone
    I’m in a similar boat, I’ve built my own WordPress site from scratch before a few years ago but have been out of the loop for a while. Also I recently moved to London and very keen to meet others with an interest in WorPress.

    I’m a Designer interested in getting back into designing and developing WP sites.

    I’m in Central London reasonably flexible at the moment (also as I look for work).



    Hey everyone, I am Blogger at chat blog sites like omegle . I want to transfer it to WordPress. I am newbie, any blogger meetup.



    These forums are for owners/developers of WordPress sites only.



    Cool, London is just down the road. I might check that out



    Are non English people also welcome?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Of course.

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