Hi Jean-S,
I am still having problems with FB loads (tested from two different countries)
Something is happening in this WP site.
I own an old-fashioned site that also loads some FB likes and they were displayed very fast at the same time I tested that WP site.
My active plugins
As you can see in this screenshot I have 3 ‘social’ plugins.
I suppose there’s a conflict between them.
An Issue I have, NGFB warns me every time I add a new entry, is that I have a dupe og:image
I know that but I must to keep them.
I unchecked all og SharePress properties but image. NGFB og Image dimension 200×200.
These settings allows me to display the largest featured image in facebook posts. Changes I have tried (uncheck SharePress og image, increase NGFB og image dimension…) resulted in an unwanted FB post display like small square image instead of the largest possible one or logo display instead the featured image.
I am using the free version of NGFB. I paid for SharePress but instead of wasting time I don’t mind if I deactive it ( and the other Fat Panda plugin) and purchase the pro version of NGFB if I can get the same (at least) feature I have now (not fb delay!! ??
They are: 1) at the right-top of all the pages display my global FB Like # Like-Share
2) Display FB / TW / IN buttons on each entry. FB displays Like # from FB related posts (there are 3 identical, 2 pages and 1 personal wall)
3) Replace WP comments by FB comments.
I don’t know very well how FB comments are managed. It is odd that my last entry has more than 2K likes but 0 comments meanwhile my FB posts have several.
I don’t like FB Comments by FatPanda comments display. You can see “Deja un comentario” -> Leave a message. I want displayed the known the user icon and the comment box. The user knows very well what it means.
If you scroll down the main page until you find “1 Comentario” -> One comment, you have to click the link to open a new page containg a single entry with that FB comment.
I also don’t like that.
I prefer to display just one, the last one comment (“see more” at bottom, if there are more) in the main page where all the entries are displayed.
Of course individual entry pages will display that ‘extended’ FB comment output.
Thank you