• Can anyone help me locate a WordPress 3 theme with a look similar to this, please? https://philosophy.berkeley.edu/people/faculty . I want something clean, spare, academic, with easy navigation, left sidebar, etc. I want to use it as a CMS for a personal website, running WP 3+.

    I’ve seen Academia, which is nice but not quite clean and simple enough for me (e.g. I don’t want a slideshow and top nav bar, just a simple banner).

    Any suggestions will be gratefully received!

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  • If what you want is a simple banner, simple side navigation and just a simple list of the posts / details as there is in the first link. I can make you a theme and email it over for you to upload. You’d just have to provide me with more details and any specific images you want.

    just drop me an email here [Email redacted]

    Please note: This is not a suitable place for you to promote your services.

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