• I’ve browsed through countless WordPress templates, yet I haven’t really seen anything I’d want to use for my Blog. I”d like to find a good designer that’s experience with designing themes for WordPress. Does anyone have any suggestions? A google search brings up more web design “blogs” than actual web design companies!

    Thanks a lot,

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  • you dont need a company, per se. Just a person.

    The standard procedure is for you to provide an email contact in this thread. It will then be locked to avoid bidding wars, and you will have provided a way for people to contact you.

    There is also a wp-pro mailing list available that takes similar requests:


    Thread Starter ennergi



    Thanks for the response.

    My e-mail address:

    I’m looking for a design similar in scope to Veerle’s at https://veerle.duoh.com. It would need a banner and a logo designed, as well as a seperate index page with a link pointing to the blog, and another to my forum on the same domain. Of course, I’m willing to pay for the time and energy spent on this project.

    Thanks a lot!

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  • The topic ‘Looking for a good blog designer’ is closed to new replies.