Here is an example of a jQuery plugin news ticker I found.
WordPress uses jQuery in its back end. A few lines of code added to the header of your blog activate it on the front end. Not sure if anyone has turned this type of code into a WordPress plugin – check the plugin directory. That would be the easiest way. I’d search plugins for 1) news ticker, 2) news scroller, 3) scrolling headlines.
If you need to do it yourself it requires only an intermediate level of techie orientation if you use a jQuery plugin.
Add jQuery to the site’s front end by adding this line to your theme’s header.php file before the call to wp_head()
<?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); ?>
that loads the jQuery library on the page. Tutorials on pages about jQuery news scrollers would show the additional code to paste into the header to activate the scroller and how to create the content that scrolls.