• I’m looking for a snippet of code that might allow me to place a border around all of my post excerpts by default. Each of these excerpts would include thumbnails but there would be no references to author, tags etc.

    I am not using my home page for displaying posts. Instead, I am using a plug-n called Associated-Posts that allows posts to be called upon on any page where a post category or tag is selected within the page options.

    Here is an example of what I am looking for: SoldierFinancial. I cheated on this – the things that appear as excerpts aren’t excerpts at all. Instead, each box is actually an entire post where I simply used a custom emphasis div (provided in the Suffusion theme) to achieve the desired look for demonstration purposes.

    Thanks for reading.

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  • Bob


    Your query is a bit confusing since what you’ve shown is actually what is inherent within suffusion as “tiles”, border and all. The border itself can be manipulated via css in the Custom Includes area of the Backend.

    Hi topjaba,

    Since I am a begginer in WP, I won’t be able to offer a solution to your request, rather I am interested in the way created the demonstration in SoldierFinancial site:

    how did you create those 4 separate columns with border around each ?

    I use Suffusion too.


    Suffusion Support: https://www.aquoid.com/forum




    That look is created using the “tile” feature found in Suffusion – Other Graphical Elements – “Excerpts/Lists/Tile/Full”



    By the way, right out of the box it can look like this but to get more out of it graphically you’ll have to adjust some CSS and put the code in the BackEnd settings.


    I’ll start with the simple out-of-the-box style, and when I’ll be more familiar with WP and Suffusion, move on to advanced customization.
    But many thanks for the exact instructions ??



    If you are using Firefox with Firebug, you are on your way.
    Good luck.

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