• Resolved focalpress


    I am looking for some advice on this issue. I have been asked to make a ‘minor’ change to a simple static website (not a blog). The site is at https://www.digisats.ie On the home page I want to just remove the bullet that says “ordering viewing cards” just below the SKY heading. I look at the source of the page and I see clearly there the HTML for the bulleted list. No problem to edit it – I thought!!.
    Now I am quite IT literate but have little knowledge of WP. I am doing this because the site is some years old and the author no longer available. So I go to https://www.digisats.ie/wp-admin and can see the pages there. BUT I CAN’T FIND THE BULLET!!! It’s not in the HOME page. Nor anywhere else I can see.
    I obtained FTP access to the hosting site and downloaded every PHP file I could find (~500) and searched there for the text of the bullet. Nothing!! So I conclude that maybe some WP magic has salted the HTML away in the SQL database. But how to find it?
    I would appreciate some guidance on how I might locate the HTML for the bullet. Or any other way to do the edit.

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  • I am not sure about this, but through inspect element tool it seems like you’re theme is using a template called “home-three.php” , check in your theme folder, there must be some file with this name and may be they have code for bullet.

    Look for a plugin or theme option for a featured-item.

    Thread Starter focalpress


    Nothing in “home-three.php”. Thank you for the suggestion.

    I am looking for any ref to theme or plugins. I see nothing on the left hand side of the attached screen grab. I installed WP on a local PC and the left hand menu there appears to allow dealing with themes and plugins.
    The top of the screen grab mentions “LIOFOLIO”. I suspect that may be a theme or plugin. But when I click on “LioFolio Options” it says I don’t have permissions to go there.

    AAaaarrrggg!! Seems like I can’t attach an image!! Let’s see if I can put in a link to it. Link to screen grab.

    LIOFOLIO is the name of the theme. It is no longer supported. https://themeforest.net/item/liofolio-responsive-multipurpose-theme/4080051

    Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why it is not working properly. Other community members who may have faced your issue might be able to help you but your best bet is your product’s developer.

    You might try going to your site. Hit F12. With that tool you can identify the text for the bullet you want to get rid of and go from there.

    Try this go to the Page Sky. Edit it to remove the text.

    what is the code in home-three.php?

    the section seems to be calling featured pages, the one of the first block being https://www.digisats.ie/sky/
    try and see what is in the content of that page, and in any custom fields …

    your theme seems to be a commercial theme from themeforest which is no longer available – this makes support unfortunately more complicated;

    Thread Starter focalpress


    Thank you for those inputs.
    Don’t understand what F12 is offering. Seems to be a view of the server folder structure. I can see this with FTP. Just can’t find the file with the HTML bullets in it.
    There is a page called ‘SKY’ but it is not related to the HOME page. I am able to edit the SKY page OK. The HTML code is there in clear.

    What is in the home-three.php page? See below please.
    I guess my real question is this: is it usual/normal for themes/plugins to keep the HTML code in the SQL database? I had really hoped to find the HTML in one of the PHP files on the server. But if it is typical to keep it in the database, then I am lost. If the generated HTML code is always in the PHP files, then I just haven’t looked hard enough!!
    I note also the comments that the theme is no longer supported.

    home-three.php is thusly:

    [Large code excerpt removed by moderator per forum rules. Please use Pastebin for all large code excerpts. It works better anyway.]

    HTML is generated on the fly. It is controlled by page/post content, css and php code.

    In Chrome, if your browser is on your site, F12 will show you elements, javascript errors on the page you are viewing.

    Modifying php on a theme that is commercial is beyond the scope of this forum.

    Thread Starter focalpress


    Thank you for that.
    I am not wanting to discuss the commercial theme.
    Rather to understand if I can expect to find the HTML in clear in the files on the server. OR – is it possible the HTML is in the database?
    I have just now downloaded (via FTP) every file available on the hosting server. None appear to contain the HTML that I see in the browser source code.
    So I am coming to the conclusion that it is held in the database and hence beyond my ability to change it.

    There is no html in the database. The database has content. WordPress generates the html code you see if you bring up your site and use show source. It generates that every time a WordPress page is loaded onto a browser.

    There is a pretty good explanation here, https://www.wpexplorer.com/wordpress-internal-function/

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    edit your CSS to set the list style to remove the bullets

    .feature-item li {
        font-size: 14px;
        list-style: none !important;
        text-align: left;
    Thread Starter focalpress


    Apologies, I didn’t make myself clear.
    Yes, I understand that the HTML tags are generated and not in the database.
    What I should have asked is: is it likely then that the text I see on the Home page is held in the database (i.e. the text I want to edit)? I guess that’s what is called the content.
    I am coming to the conclusion that the text I see on the web pages may reside in clear in PHP files or may be stored in the SQL database. It depends on how the theme is implemented. In my case, since I can’t find the text in the files, it is probably stored in the database.
    Given that the theme is obsolete, it sounds like a WP expert is required to re-design the site. Beyond my capabilities!!

    Thread Starter focalpress


    It’s not the actual bullet I want to remove, it’s the text just following it.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Okely dokely; you’ll just have to find out where the content comes from. Good luck!

    I know that. While you are correct the text is in the database going there in order to change it is not how you should do it. You can try but backup the database first.

    The text was entered on an option in the theme or in the wordpress dashboard somewhere. Another option is to change to the twentysixteen theme and that might make it easier to find then change back.

    Ultimately you will have to change to a supported theme.

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