• Hallo,
    I am looking for a Google-Map Plugin where I can add approx. 3.000 POI, imported from an Excel-list.

    I have tested in the past some plugins, but none of them where able to support following conditions:

    – Import all datas from excel-list.
    – Short / optimized load-time of the POIs by using the map: When zooming into the map or
    moving on the map to another location, the map should load and display the next POIs to
    avoid to load all 3.000 points direct (to reduce loadtime).
    – Because the datas oft he adress contains only town and street, the plugin should be able
    to generate the geo-datas (latitude and longitude) via Googel API.
    – The adresses in the excel are divided into approx. 10 categories. Therefor the plugin has
    to display with different markers those 10 categories. The name of the category is in the
    – On click on the marker the layer on the map should display: Name – town – street and 2
    further fields with content out oft he excel (each field contains only 5-10 words.
    – ?If“ in additon available: a ?Storefinder“-function (based on the position of the used
    ipad) would be perfect.

    It does not matter, if the plugin costs some money. It ist not necassary, that the plugin is ?for free“.

    If anybody has any idea: Thanks very much in advance!

    Best regards


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