• Okay, here’s the thing guys. I’ve been wanting to do a 100% WordPress site from scratch for some time. The thing is I can’t find PSD templates licensed under the GPL that I can make a theme out of and distribute it on the WordPress theme repository for free.

    I’m either looking for a site that offers free high quality template PSD files catored towards WordPress, preferably a portfolio style, or I’m looking for another individual that’s willing to work with me?

    Ideally one would want to make templates for free also, as both you (the reader) and I know, creating free stuff is easy publicity. I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve gotten from just my plugin. But that’s besides, the point, I’m not here to advertise. The individual I’m looking for will show him/herself in time I’m sure, but I can settle for a site if anyone cares to share some information.

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