• Hi there,

    Im setting up a blog for someone and am looking for a plugin to restrict users from posting to any category but the one which is ‘connected’ to their account. (or a plugin to prevent users from posting in certain categories.)

    Also im looking for a plugin to only show posts in a certain category on the index.php

    I’ve been looking through the codex and wp-plugins.net also looked on some other random pages but didnt find what i needed.

    Thanks alot in advance!

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  • 1. In the codex > Plugins > Restriction > Limit Categories
    2. https://ryowebsite.com/?p=46

    Thread Starter Arnan de Gans


    The first one, seems to be doing what i want ?? ill check it out tonight.


    Is there also a plugin which shows only one category on the index?

    You can specify only a certain category be displayed on your site without a plugin:

    ?php query_posts(‘category_name=muse&showposts=1’); ?>
    ?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    And then format the entries as desired. The “muse” word is the cateogry name, and the “1” is how many entries from that category I want to display. I use this on my own journal. So I’m going to check that portion out now ??

    I’m also looking for a way to limit what categories people can read pending their role with the role-manager plugin.

    Actually, I realized what I am looking for is slightly different. I’m looking for a plugin that only shows certain categories to certain users. Like Editors could see categories intended for only them, etc. Is there one like this?

    Thread Starter Arnan de Gans


    Heh, thanks for the tip ill alter the themes.

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