• Sites are never “finished”, I am finding out.

    After mine launched in late April, I’ve been responding to feedback and making appropriate tweaks here and there.

    Please visit https://investorsbodyguard.com

    I’d appreciate your feedback.


    PS This is a child of the excellent Hybrid theme framework

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  • Very good, very clear, and very organized. It give the feel of credible old money. And your content is good. I would have watched the full video except that it is already too late. Again it is very readable and clean. Very Web 2ish. I like the color palette also – soft but not drab, and with the bold font it still popped enough.

    Who did your site? Well done. I am going to save it on my like list. And, I want to finish the video..thanks. Oh, and good job on the favicon. It finishes it off. I hope your insight and services are as good as your graphics. I am also going to have my wife look at your site, she is an investor (small time).

    Rex Rouis
    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Thread Starter Peter Brock


    Rex, your comment gave me a real boost. Thank you for taking the time to give me your insights and kind compliments.

    Glad you liked my design. I’m not a designer by trade so I spent far too long getting the palette right, getting each color to work with all the others and retain a cohesive look. Like solving a complex puzzle, I can’t stop till I get it right.

    As for my content, I hope it stands the test of time. Thanks for introducing my site to your wife.


    It’s excellent, well done! You’re not a designer? It definitely looks like it was done by a designer! ??

    The only thing that irks me is the large amount of whitespace at the top…I might move the logo up slightly just to tighten it up some. But that’s just a personal preference, and it looks solid even if you don’t move it!

    Thumbs up from me!!

    Thumbs up from me – I especially love the snazzy pull down menu on the top of the page – very cool!

    Great work,


    I like it. Of course, I’m a little biased since it’s a child theme of my Hybrid parent theme. ??

    Here’s some things I’d change:

    Use HTML and content instead of images

    All of your slider images need to have real text instead of a big image. The information there isn’t doing people with images turned off (such as screen readers) any good. And, it certainly isn’t helping your SEO.

    I’d use a <table> with data input instead of an image with your First Investor vs. Second Investor image later down the page.

    Open panel at top

    You can’t tell what a link is vs. what text is. Everything is the same color. A simple change would be to underline the links.

    Also, a slightly darker/lighter bottom border than the slider background color may give it a little extra touch.

    Your site looks very nice.
    Why do you have another doctype head body and html tags? I couldn’t read your footer so checked the source and found the extra tags.
    This could cause problems is not fixed.
    Nice looking site though.

    nice Peter! That site looks so professionally done ??

    Dear Peter Brock,

    You are say right that (Sites are never “finished”), Your website content is very clear and informative and theme is also good.

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