Loop stuck on get_categories and then foreach
I’m using this code to style top level categories that have posts differently from the ones that don’t have posts. But the loop gets stuck now that I have more categories. It worked well with 200 categories, but now I have about 3000 categories and it get stuck on the first one.
Has this to do with php limits or WordPress limits?
$allcats = get_categories('hide_empty=0&exclude=1&orderby=slug&order=ASC'); foreach($allcats as $thecat) { $test=get_posts('category='.$thecat->cat_ID); if ($thecat->parent < 1) { if ($test) { echo "<li><a href=\"" . get_category_link($thecat->cat_ID) . "\"><span>". get_cat_name($thecat->cat_ID) ."</span></a></li>"; } else { echo "<li class=\"maincatinactief\"><span>". get_cat_name($thecat->cat_ID) ."</span></li>"; } } }
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