• Hi, I have searched and searched for an answer and i can’t find it.

    When I copy paste a double spaced short story from MS into a post – it loses its format and becomes the regular spacing.

    I want to keep the double space format throughout Please do not advise me to double space in WP, like when you make a paragraph using the enter key – this will not work for me. I use the ‘justify’ in WP after.

    Please advise. need a solution. do not want to use a plugin, docxpresso. tinyMCE advanced no use to me, nor is notepad.

    I just want to copy paste work done in MS that has a double spacing foramt and publish it like that.

    Thanks so much, joan

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  • Geoffrey Shilling


    Volunteer Moderator

    You should have a Visual tab and a Text tab in the editor. Try clicking the Text tab, paste your story, then click the Visual tab.

    Thread Starter joanwalsh


    Thanks Geoffrey for your reply, yes I had tried that – that didnt work unfortunately.

    You might be able to fake it by setting a larger line-height on the containing element. Can you post a link to your site?

    Thread Starter joanwalsh


    thanks stephen. https://www.joanwalsh.ie/possible-jet-lag/

    i mean its readable, just not how i had it in MS double spaced and all.

    thanks. joan

    If your theme has a built-in custom CSS option, use it; otherwise, get a custom CSS plugin and put:

    .entry-content { line-height: 48px; }

    It looks okay to me.

    Thread Starter joanwalsh


    oh i dont know if i want to mess with Css, it might change the height of all the text in the website.? i only want it on that post. but thank you stephen. mindyou having said that the plugin looks good. will check it out. thank you!

    Thread Starter joanwalsh


    Yes it works. did that. only thing is it does it to all the post, not just the short story. :/ tis a pain this. why doesnt wp have that post ms text into wp box anymore….

    You could try something like this instead, then. Using the Text editor, try entering your posts like this:

    <p style="line-height: 48px">This text will be double-spaced.</p>
    <p>This text will not.</p>

    This is just due to a fundamental difference between Web publishing and desktop publishing. Desktop publishing works with a predefined paper size, while Web publishing has to work on a wide variety of devices with a wide variety of browser widths. In addition, users can configure their browser to use their fonts, colors, line heights, etc., instead of yours, which is useful for users who are color-blind or have poor eyesight, etc., but it can be a problem for authors. If it’s important that users see your writing exactly how it would appear on paper, you’re probably better off providing downloadable PDFs instead.

    Thread Starter joanwalsh


    thanks stephen, i tried that, it wouldnt work for me. i adjusted the line height in the custom css to .entry-content { line-height: 42px; } instead. will do for now. thanks, joan

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