• hey everyone, i know this sounds stupid but i lost my admin password. how do i get it back? it wont email it to me when i go to lost password! i looked around the forum for answers and everything requires phpmyadmin which i neither have nor know how to use. suggestions?

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  • It always pays to use the search facility before asking a question. This question has been answered many many times over. There is a wiki page devoted to solving this problem.
    Read the wiki page here https://wiki.www.ads-software.com/Reset%20the%20Admin%20Password”>https://wiki.www.ads-software.com/Reset%20the%20Admin%20Password

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    i did look through the forums, and i’ve come across this and other pages devoted to solving the problem, but i dont have and dont know how to use phpmyadmin. that’s the problem. i tried downloading it but i couldn’t install it, so i looked for guides on how to install and use phpmyadmin. to no avail. there are other methods for resetting the password though, i’ve come across one or two and i cant get them to work. i don’t mean to waste anyone’s time but i actually have been up and down the forums looking for solutions cause i’m sure this has come up before but i seem to be the only one so far who hasn’t had phpmyadmin. so once again, can anyone help? or can someone explain why i cant install and figure out how to use phpmyadmin? or anything really at all i would appreciate it. please?

    When you say it won’t mail it, what happens if you try ?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    it tells me: “Sorry, that user does not seem to exist in our database. Perhaps you have the wrong username or email address? Try again.” except the username is ‘admin’ and the email address is the same one i made the account with.

    Which version of wp are you using ?
    Did you change the name under which you posted ?
    (When you posted, did it appear as
    “File under: WordPress – site admin @ 3:15pm)
    Have you seen this page ?

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