Lost Blog Entries
After a problem with my web host’s servers I’ve lost all of my blog entries. When I seek to retrieve them from my files I receive the following message:
Warning: require(./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/carfor12/understandingdc.com/blog.php on line 1
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear’) in /home/carfor12/understandingdc.com/blog.php on line 1Is there anyway to recover them from WordPress, or are they lost forever?
Carl Ford
The Missing Blog Entries“Zero Dark Thirty”
Carl Ford – Jan 3, 2013 5:13:46 PMBefore you go to see the movie “Zero Dark Thirty” there are a few things you should know about “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques,” the euphemism for what most of us think of as torture. For one, they do not work, and that is not just my opinion. Michael Morell, the Acting Director of CIA in a […] (The post “Zero Dark Thirty” appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=98)
Benghazi: Let’s All Take a Breath
Carl Ford – May 13, 2013 1:54:12 PMA key question for many critics is: Why did the OBama Administration blame the anti-Muslim video for the attack on Benghazi? In hindsight, it is clear the attack at Benghazi was different from demonstrations at other embassies in the region, and probably had little or nothing to do with the video. That night, however, we […] (The post Benghazi: Let’s All Take a Breath appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=146)
Can You Measure the Quality of Intelligence Analysis the President Receives?
Carl Ford – Feb 22, 2014, 5:42:00 PMI often get the question, “Can you measure the quality of intelligence analysis the President and other senior officials receive from the Intelligence Community (IC)?” The questions usually come in the context of how one might go about improving the IC’s product. I think most intelligence officers would say “no” to such questions,
believing “good” […] (The post Can You Measure the Quality of Intelligence Analysis the President Receives? appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=194)Executive Branch Decision-Making: The Deputies Committee
Carl Ford – Sep 23, 2013 2:55:36 PM
I have let my blog slip recently because of other commitments, but I’m back now raring to go. What caught my attention last week was Professor Stephen Benedict Dyson’s article in the latest Political Science Quarterly, entitled “What Really Happened in Planning for Postwar Iraq?” (Volume 128 Number 3 Fall 2013 pp.455-488)
Dr. Dyson’s piece […] (The post Executive Branch Decision-Making: The Deputies Committee appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=167)First Step in Influencing Decision-makers.
Carl Ford – Jul 15, 2012 8:37:49 PMFirst thing you have to do is start with the fundamentals. “Congress shall make no law respecting . . . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (U.S. Constitution – Amendment 1) The first step in making the most of these rights is […] (The post First Step in Influencing Decision-makers. appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=13)
Governor Christie and the Bridge
Carl Ford – Feb 7, 2014, 5:39:22 PMI don’t know what Governor Christie knew and when he knew it, but my experiences suggest the media’s rush to judgment may be more partisan and political than a true indication of the truth. News outlets seemingly are
quick to dismiss the possibility of independent action by one of the Governor’s subordinates. Instead they see […] (The post Governor Christie and the Bridge appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=181)How Did We Lose the Lead in Telecommunications to the Chinese?
Carl Ford – Oct 12, 2012 3:53:06 PMI’m not an economist or an expert on China, but it looks to me both businessmen and the government dropped the ball on this one. Every source I can find agrees China taking the lead in telecommunications is a threat to our national security. But this should not be a surprise to anyone. We have […] (The post How Did We Lose the Lead in Telecommunications to the Chinese? appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=59)
Musing on the “War on Terror,” Part 2 — Al-Qaeda
Carl Ford – Dec 13, 2012 5:33:36 PMIn Part 1 I suggested we should take a second look at the efficacy of drone strikes. In Part 2 I want to examine the question: Why al-Qaeda hasn’t attempted a second 9/11, or something even more spectacular? We have several lists and timelines that track terrorist plots and activities here at home. If you are […] (The post Musing on the “War on Terror,” Part 2 — Al-Qaeda appeared first on Carl’s Blog https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=82)
Musings Part 3 –The “War on Terror” is an Industry We Can No Longer Afford
Carl Ford – Dec 18, 2012 10:18:42 PMThe “War on Terror” has become an industry we can no longer afford. After eleven years and hundreds of billions of dollars, more of the same does not make a whole lot of sense, except maybe for those whose investments or jobs depend on it. Yet we continue to be told terrorism is our number […]
(The post Musings Part 3 –The “War on Terror” is an Industry We Can No Longer Afford appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=92)New Stuff Highlighting Intelligence Analysis
Carl Ford – Jul 24, 2013 3:08:06 PMI have added some new stuff to my website (https://www.understandingdc.com.) The first addition is a page called “In My Own Words” where I have placed my papers and appearances in one location. The newest item is a paper entitled, “The Disconnect Between Policy and Intelligence,” one I presented at a recent workshop at
U. Mississippi’s […] (The post New Stuff Highlighting Intelligence Analysis appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=157)Response to Jeffery Sachs North Korea Article in the Huffington Post Blog
Carl Ford – Apr 23, 2013 12:08:58 AMJeffery Sachs has recently made an important contribution to the Huffington Post Blog — “Better Approach Towards North Korea.” (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeffrey-sachs/a-better-approachtowards_b_3083799.html goback=%2Egde_1133327_member_233912149) I wish I could challenge his
characterization of how others in the world see us, but too much of it rings true. We may not like it, no one ever wants to admit to being […] (The post Response to Jeffery Sachs North Korea Article in the Huffington Post Blog appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=120)Surprises Happen
Carl Ford – May 10, 2013 2:29:13 PMAs members of Congress conduct investigations in the aftermath of the Boston bombing, and still others question the Administration’s explanations of who did what to whom in the Benghazi attack, my fears they don’t understand the strengths and weaknesses of intelligence grows by leaps and bounds. If they understood, no one would be wondering why […] (The post Surprises Happen appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=141)
U.S. Forward Deployed Forces and Asian Security: A Strategic View
Carl Ford – Jan 3, 2014, 7:29:37 PMAfter a long absence I’m back. A new study — U.S. Forward Deployed Forces and Asian Security: A Strategic View — has kept me preoccupied. You can find a copy at: https://www.understandingdc.com/page2, sixty-four scentilating pages examining President Obama’s Rebalance of Forces in Asia, especially the role of Guam in any future arrangements. But don’t let the […] (The post U.S. Forward Deployed Forces and Asian Security: A Strategic View appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=175)
US Drone Attack Kills Snowden and Four Civilians in Moscow Today?
Carl Ford – Feb 12, 2014, 8:51:46 PMObviously, neither William Snowden nor anybody else was killed by a drone attack in Moscow. I sensationalized the headline to draw attention to the dilemma posed by the continued targeting of Americans overseas based on an Authorization for Use of Military Force Resolution passed by the Congress after the 9/11 attacks. The recent AP report […] (The post US Drone Attack Kills Snowden and Four Civilians in Moscow Today? appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=185)
What Were the “Founding Fathers” Thinking?
Carl Ford – Aug 25, 2012 12:20:16 AMI’ve always liked American History. For that I suppose I should thank one of my high school teachers, but unfortunately I can’t remember his name. Sorry! What I do recall is how he made the subject come alive for me — real people doing amazing things — what he called making a difference. I have […] (The post What Were the “Founding Fathers” Thinking? appeared first on Carl’s Blog. https://www.understandingdc.com/blog.php/?p=36)
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