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  • I have the same problem, plus the spacing after the widget isn’t working : the end of the subscription widget and the title of the title of the next widget are stuck together

    (My site, if you need : – in French)


    same problems with last update : widget Title displayed in simple text and missing margin area at the end of my subscription form.

    Plus one : edit form pannel is broken, updating my subscription form is now impossible.

    Could you please fix them ?
    Thanks !



    i have the same problem and also i have the title of the module out of the widget. It looks without any tag.

    Could you fix this?

    Same problems here. I rollbacked the update, since it completely messed up my sidebar and sidebar-bottom widget layout and css settings. After rollback everything worked as usual (like a charm, that is) Will wait for future release.
    Please fix!

    Can anyone of you take a screenshot of the issue and edit on an image editor to point out specifically what’s the error? We can’t seem to find it.

    ps.: The editor issue is going to be fixed in the next version 2.7.4.

    Hello MailPoet,

    version 2.7.3 seems to ignore the parameters ‘before_title’ and ‘after_title’ of register_sidebar.


    Same with parameters ‘before_widget’ and ‘after_widget’.

    With my last update the Mailpoet plugin disappeared completely. Now I′am unable to install again.

    Hey @mailpoet. Here’s a screen shot of the problem :

    In blue is a normal widget title.

    In red is the mail poet subscribe widget title, which doesn’t have any formatting of any kind, and this is the major problem.

    The green line is the end of the subscribe widget and the start of the next widget (on the screenshot it’s a my tweets widget). There isn’t any spacing in between the two, which is another major problem

    I have the same problem :

    The title and the button aren’t in the css style. Hope you find the bug ??

    I find that you have no more the section tag which every widget use. The title is no more encapsulate in an H3 tag.Just try with a subscribe widget you’ll see.

    old one

    <section id="wysija-2" class="widget widget_wysija">
    <h3 class="widget-title">Abonnez-vous !</h3>
    <div class="widget_wysija_cont">

    new one

    Abonnez-vous !
    <div class="widget_wysija_cont">

    Thanks for all the screenshots guys. This might be related to the recent security fixes we’ve applied. We are going to work on it ASAP.


    I’m facing the same issue since version 2.7.3

    Update to version 2.7.4 today. Issue not yet resolved.

    I’m waiting a new update to fix it ??

    Thanks for all

    i posted this in other post, but it seems that MailPoet is reading this thread. It is connected to problems after new plugin version so I post it here again.

    I talked with a programmer and it seems that MailPoet that widget doesn’t get the class and style from sidebar using only default one.
    it can be fixed only by changing the code and putting in the right class.

    here is the screenshot

    after the arrow there should be another <div> z klas? sidebar-widget-inner
    without it my widget looks like that

    please fix that

    @springtool thanks for the feedback, but that’s not actually the source of the problem. It’s more complicated than that, we’ve fixed a possible XSS security breach, however, the outcome was a problem with the subscription widget HTML. We are working on it at this moment.

    Version 2.7.4 was just released to fix a base64 issue with the editor.

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