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  • Please post your site URL

    Thread Starter steffercat


    Did you edit the theme files?

    Thread Starter steffercat


    On the homepage there was a navigation menu listing the pages on the site:

    Clients & Kudos

    That’s gone and the logo and my name are gone.
    If I could just get the navigation menu back, I’d be happy.

    I have not messed with the theme.

    You have tons of Base64 malicious codes/ malware in your site. Use TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker) to detect this.

    Before the malware cause extensive damage, REVERT to the 2011 theme and delete your theme.

    Which theme are you using?

    Thread Starter steffercat



    By YOOtheme
    Version 5.5.14

    My site is brand new and was professionally designed so it’s hard to believe that it is full of malware so fast, especially since it has security on it.

    What 2011 theme are you referring to?
    My previous theme is gone–it was hosted on a different site and my contract with that provider ended yesterday.

    I would not know where to find TAC.
    If I delete my theme, my site will go away. Can’t do that.

    You can download TAC from here.

    Professionally designed or not, please check it with the above plugin. It will show you the source.

    Go to your Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes. You will find Twenty Eleven there. Just activate it.

    u have to set primary id for menu

    Thread Starter steffercat


    On the Dashboard, where do I set primary ID to Menu?
    What is the path to do that?

    Go to your Dashboard >> Appearance >> Menus>>Theme Locations

    Thread Starter steffercat


    Thanks, but there is no “Theme Locations” tab in WordPress 3.4.

    Are you agreeing with Mukesh that I must change my theme b/c I’m not going to do that. Go Daddy says I do not have a security issue.

    krishna, just curious, how did you determine that their site “have tons of Base64 malicious codes/ malware in your site”? Base64 is server side – Do you have a magic wand that allows you to see their site code? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with her site.

    <li><img src="" data-src="/wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/cache/gallery/125/dollars_common_sense-e6d2a3241b.jpg" width="175" height="269" alt="dollars_common_sense" /></li>

    Here is one example. But it is associated with a plugin.

    Do you identify anything from the above?

    Base64 is used for positive purposes. But it is commonly used to hide malware also.

    Thread Starter steffercat


    Krishna – That code looks like it is to display one of the book covers that’s in the carousel on my site.

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