1. No, wait a minute, … the data actually stays in the SQL database, but there is no guarantee, that when you delete the plugin that all your data will stay intact, so backups are essential. I recently deleted the plugin and reinstalled the plugin, no data loss, but no guarantee that the data remains intact, … but thankfully, the data did remain intact.
My problem, that prompted me to do this delete and reinstall was really a theme conflict, and deleting the TEC plugin was not the the answer, or the best path, … best path was to switch to a basic WordPress theme.
2. You needed to dump the plugin files from the host server, so you could reinstall the plugin, and then the new installation of the plugin would then overwrite the previous instance of the TEC plugin files.
3. Thirdly, the actual data entries would still remain in the SQL database, it is the TEC plugin files that are reading and manipulating the data in the database.
4. I think my overview is correct, but I am novice, and working diligently to get a firm grasp on this stuff.
5. And remember that, some plugins do in fact, delete files upon exit, and/or they give you an option to delete files upon their eradication from your website files, that’s the caveat, and the reason why backups are critical.