• I don’t remember the passwords to my blogs. I’ve rehosted both my blogs and have forgotten both admin passwords.

    how do i get my password emailed to me please? when i click on the ‘lost your password’ link it takes me to a page that says ‘404 Not Found’.

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  • Okay I’ll try and walk you through the phpMyAdmin way to reset things. (I’m assuming you have access to phpMyAdmin and can access your MySQL database.)

    1) Use phpMyAdmin to access your MySQL database. Make sure to select the correct database for your WordPress site!

    2) Locate the wp_users table (where wp is your database prefix).

    3) Select the “Browse” tab in phpMyAdmin and locate the user account you need to reset the password on.

    4) Click the “edit” button (pencil icon) to edit the account.

    5) In the user_pass field, put in your new password (make sure to remember it!)

    6) Click the function dropdown (in the function column) and select “MD5”.

    7). Click the “Go” button at bottom right to execute the chnages.

    8). Log in to your WordPress site using your newly reset password.

    9) For other password reset options, see : https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Resetting_Your_Password

    Hope this helps.

    It’s difficult, it seems you might have done something to the installation while trying to change stuff.

    Can you go to the phpMyAdmin. Go to the WordPress database.

    There is a table there called wp_options

    And there should be an entry there called siteurl. It should be the first entry.

    Can you please check that and see if it has a /wordpress somewhere at the end?

    Thread Starter craftytrixx


    i tried it that way first of all, going into the phpMyAdmin, selecting the wp users, clicked on browse, clicked on the user, deleted what was in the password bit, entered my new password, clicked on MD5, then saved it.

    but i get the same ‘404 not found’ page when i try to log in.

    i’ve just tried it again, done what you said and still get same ‘404 not found’ page.

    i’ve gone into the wp_options bit in phpMyAdmin and my site URL is in place, so i don’t know what i’m doing wrong.

    Might be related to switching things around per:


    Thread Starter craftytrixx


    it could be.

    I’ve got all the wordpress files for craftytrixx in my public html folder, and another wordpress folder in the public html folder containing stuff for dottietrixx. have i done it wrong?

    craftytrixx.com is my main domain, and dottietrixx.com is an addon domain.

    my craftytrixx site is up but i can’t log into it.

    my dottietrixx site isn’t up, though i have uploaded all the files but can’t log into it.

    i can’t log into either of my sites. ??

    Do you have only one WordPress database for both of them??

    And please, make sure that you are only linking to craftytrixx.com on your wp-options in phpMyAdmin. The WordPress test cookie is showing you’re linking to /wordpress folder.


    It could be that you’re editing the Dottietrixx database instead of the Craftytrixx one.

    Thread Starter craftytrixx


    i don’t know how that /wordpress folder got there. ??

    i’ve selected the craftytrixx database and done what’s been said in here, but no joy.

    if I deleted everything (all the wordpress files for crafytrixx and dottietrixx) via FTP off my server and uploaded wordpress as a folder in my public html folder will that work?

    would I have to re-install wordpress all over again?

    Well…not necessarily because all your stuff either resides in the database (your posts, pages and comments) or the wp-content folder (in the uploads folder typically although if you have a custom themes or plugins, they also will reside in the wp-content folder).

    So re-installing WordPress in this case would mean overwriting all the old files in the WordPress folder on your server with a fresh copy of WordPress files (I’d make a backup of your wp-content folder just in case). Then ideally, you should be back to business.

    Thread Starter craftytrixx


    too late, i’ve deleted everything off my server.

    ok, so i’ve just uploaded a fresh copy of wordpress onto my server in a folder called ‘wordpress’ in my public_html directory.

    I know I have a different databases for each of my sites.

    i have 2 separate config. files.

    do i upload both config. files into the subdirectory called ‘wordpress’?

    Thread Starter craftytrixx


    sorry, meant to say “i’ve uploaded a fresh copy of wordpress into a subdirectory in my public_html directory called ‘wordpress'”

    what do i do with the 2 different config. files?

    do i put it in my ‘public_html’ directory or in my subdirectory in the public_html directory called ‘wordpress’?

    Thread Starter craftytrixx


    i’ve managed to log into my craftytrixx.com blog. yay!

    now i need to upload my config. file for my dottietrixx blog.

    do I upload the config. file for dottietrixx into the ‘public_html’ directory or put it into the ‘wordpress’ subdirectory that already has a config. file for my craftytrixx blog?

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