• Resolved Harm10


    After upgrading to a newer version than 2.0.5. the preview display no longer shows the part before the more line.
    Is there something wrong?

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  • Plugin Support jaysupport


    Hi Harm,

    I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to. Is this in the admin or on the front end? If on the front end, could you provide a URL to your preview display, and then also let me know what should be there, so I can take a look and see what’s going on?

    Thread Starter Harm10


    No I am referring to the web site’s display on overview (that list of reviews in a non particular order).
    It shows the stars, read more and the reviewer’s name but the text up until read more that I use is gone. No text at all.
    Each review on the site of my client has the WP read more string in its text.

    Does that explain it better?

    Thread Starter Harm10


    I took a better look and I am talking about the shortcode [good-reviews excerpt=1 catdisplay=1 random=1 ]

    Plugin Support jaysupport


    Hi harm,

    Ok, I think what you’re referring to is probably due to confusion between that old excerpt feature and the newer read more feature. They are actually separate. What happens if you remove the excerpt attribute from the shortcode, does the text come back?

    Thread Starter Harm10


    If I remove the excerpt part the text comes back but the whole text. I explicitly use <!--more--> in the text (I have book reviews from other sources on this site) so I need this to be honored. Can you please investigate?

    I also use filter grfwp_post_meta to change the meta data. Apparently there is some change there too? I still I have to investigate in detail.

    Thread Starter Harm10


    Any update on this one?

    Plugin Support jaysupport


    It sounds like what you want, or used to use, is no longer how it functions with the updates we’ve made to enhance the read more feature. We no longer make use of the post excerpt functionality. If you would still like to have it function the old way, previous versions of the plugin are available for download it here: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/good-reviews-wp/advanced/

    If you’d like to record a screencast of how it’s working for you now and exactly how you used to use it under the old functionality, perhaps there would be some way for us to add an option in that would allow you to switch between the functionalities.

    Thread Starter Harm10


    Is it wise to release an update of your plug-in that is NOT downward compatible?

    And you still document the excerpt feature on Faq shortcode

    Also on your own home page you show reviews that are clearly in excerpt form.

    So is it still your view that the excerpt function will no longer be supported?
    I just want a long review to be limited to the excerpt length set.
    BTW the excerpt function is a normal function within WordPress!

    Thread Starter Harm10


    I looked into your current plug-in code. I see that you do not use any of the regular WordPress content or excerpt filters when processing the review read in the custom query in template-functions.php. By doing so you do not give developers any way of customizing the review text about to display.
    It would help if you add an apply_filters in function grfwp_print_review for variable $review.
    This is a small change for you and as such I can code an add action to fill $review->post_excerpt if it is empty by analyzing $review->post_content either whether there is a more tag or by using the excerpt length available.
    Is this something you are willing to think about?

    Plugin Support jaysupport


    We’ve just released an update in which we’ve added the following filter to expose the $review post object:


    With this, a developer can alter the complete object. You can use this filter to modify the review post object just before the display. Below is an example of this:

    function good_review_excerpt( $review ) {
      $review->post_excerpt = get_the_excerpt($review);
      return $review;
    add_filter( 'grfwp_print_review_obj', 'good_review_excerpt' );
    Thread Starter Harm10


    Thanks for this! I am going to try it soon and report back!

    Thread Starter Harm10


    I can confirm that offering this filter makes it possible to display the excerpt you want using the more button (string) within the text.

    For those of you who want to use this in an add filter (based on the example above):

    function good_review_excerpt( $review ) {
        global $grfwp_controller;
        // Excerpt selected for display?
        if ($grfwp_controller->args['excerpt'] == 1) {
            // Own excerpt text not used?
            if( !has_excerpt($review)) {
                // Excerpt needs to be created and we want something larger than the excerpt maximum length (55)
                $this_excerpt = get_the_content('', 0, $review);
                // More string not there? If it is there excerpt is now ready!
                if( strpos( $review->post_content, '<!--more-->' ) == 0 ) {
                    $this_excerpt = substr($this_excerpt, 0, 500);
                    $this_excerpt = substr($this_excerpt, 0, strrpos($this_excerpt, ' ')) . ' [...]';
                $review->post_excerpt = $this_excerpt;
        return $review;
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Harm10.
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