• Hello guys, I have some new suggestions.

    Get ready…

    1. Add avatars for guest commentators the same way that this plugin does. I would like to have that option built in the wpDiscuz just to clear up my plugins list a bit, and to speed up page loading time.

    2. Option to force name and surname as a username for guests would be good to have. So, instead “wc_name” field, make “wc_name” and “wc_surname” fields and then combine them as a username. I think it would also help combat auto-spam bots who input their usernames only into one field, like what the majority of WordPress sites have.

    3. Option to disallow guest usernames that starts with a number or with a special character.

    4. Option to disallow disposable/burner e-mail services as a guest e-mail address (for example: yopmail.com, slippery.email, maildrop.cc, guerrillamail.com). This is not important too much since anyone can enter whatever they want.

    5. Maybe adding a “Subscribe to a newsletter” checkbox when someone wants to leave a comment would be useful. I was thinking something like, they leave a comment and check that checkbox. After that, that comment goes for moderation to a separate tab in the “Comments” page. If admin accepts a comment, that person is added to a newsletter list.

    6. Add a mini social media icon for users who log in with a social plugin.
    Like this:
    * Facebook icon
    * Twitter icon

    7. Change the date format for comments to the one similar to YouTube’s. So, instead of “2 months, 21 days ago“, make it just “2 months ago“. It’s much nicer to look at, especially on smarthphones.
    The other dates would be:
    * 5 seconds ago (up to a minute for live comment updates. Seconds are irrelevant after that time)
    * 13 minutes ago (up to an hour)
    * 4 hours ago (up to a day)
    * 20 days ago (up to a month)
    * 6 months ago (up to a year)
    * 2 years ago (up to… well… forever)

    8. Don’t include replies in an all comments count. You know, sometimes there is a real war going on in the reply section, so counting those comments is not good in my opinion.

    9. Show just two replies and hide others until user clicks on a link to show more of them, just like the YouTube does. It helps to save space and looks nicer.

    10. Make the text input box scrollable to encompass long comments. Also make it so that it changes height when a new line is added.

    11. Support for some HTML elements (b, i, link, code, font size, color,…) and embeds (photo and video, especially from YouTube) would be an awesome option.


    That’s all for now. Thank you for reading this in the first place.


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  • A lot of really great ideas in here! I especially want to endorse ideas 7 through 11. (Although I don’t mind total comment counts including replies. It’s always nice to show total engagement numbers to show off interest, especially when conversations get started.)

    Kosta92, do you have a link to your website where you’re using wpDiscuz? I’d love to check it out. I’ve been asking to see some visual examples of the notification emails for a while without any luck, I’d like to see everything in action before we add it to our site. It’s very promising and seems to have a lot of what we’re looking for, but I never implement anything without seeing some sort of demo or live example first.

    Thanks and again, great ideas!!

    Thread Starter Kosta92


    I am building a local WordPress installation. Still haven’t uploaded it to a live domain, so there is no link I can give you right now, but you can check wpDiscuz on these websites.

    Ahh gotcha. Thank you for that link!

    So is wpDiscuz not responsive? I checked a few of the sites listed and it looks like when the screen gets small, the comment area extends beyond the viewable space instead of responsively formatting to fit it.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Hi Kosta92,
    Thank you for great suggestions, the most of those are already in our to-do list.
    Regarding to wpDiscuz on diff screens, I can say it doesn’t change its layout on small screens, it’s made very flexible and can fit any screen size, so it’s not a dogma to change layout to get responsiveness. If all UX items works fine and accessible on all sizes, then it’s already a responsive layout.
    Please see those screenshot, wpDiscuz works fine on small mobile screens: https://screencast.com/t/Oqspod1p

    All in wpDiscuz is under active development, we are working on the layout as well and it’ll be better responsive on next versions for sure.

    looking for way to add limit to number of lines displayed for long comments. Have ‘read more’ button to view.

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