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  • ai1ec_n_cron is hitting my site a lot too and I got an angry mail from my host.

    Did you solve this?

    I found this page in one of the threads and set it up. I’ll report back. It makes sense as I was having excessive google crawling too.

    Thread Starter greenzilla


    I did hack the plugin to fix this. Changed line 80 in file lib/utility/class-ai1ec-scheduling-utility.php from $existing[‘freq’] to $existing[‘recurrence’]

    Interesting, thanks. What I did was disable wp-cron.php in the config page:

    define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

    Then set up a cron job through my web host calling the same page. I also think that the link above made a difference. A lot of my hits were from google. I went in to the webmaster management tools and told it to crawl much less frequently. That, together with the robots.txt appears to have stopped the problem. Maybe. At least wp-cron is being hit far less, but I still have CPU load issues that may not be to do with ai1ec. Ours is only a tiny school site so should not be so busy.

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