• We’re working on an internal project and have been making more use of the priority support and customer success resources available from the team at GiveWP. The online forms allow our donors to target their giving adhoc or following a regular (subs) sequence that works for them.

    We’re also now processing all our offline donations using the manual donations addon. As with any application there will no doubt be improvements to come but this app allows donors (or admin staff) to efficiently process and oversee online and offline donations in a seamless manner.

    Where we have had questions about process or functionality the team at GiveWP were available promptly to support and bring clarity to our understanding – by email or video call. Any issues we have had were typically to do with our preparation of data for manual import, rather than the application not working as expected.

    Like any application you need to invest time in getting to know your way around. Having recently set up a new process for manual donatons I have no hesitation in giving GiveWP a five star rating. Thanks GiveWP for this awesome donation plugin!

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