• I have posted about this a bit earlier but wanted to be more specific. When I use

    <?php comments_popup_link(); ?>

    anywhere on my site…index.php, home.php, page.php nothing shows up. When I use this code:

    <p>Filed Under <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> | <?php comments_popup_link(‘Leave a Comment’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘% Comments’); ?></p>

    Everything shows up great but there is a blank space where the “Leave Comment” should be. It will not show up at all. And when I view the HTML for any of these pages it shows everything but the code for the comment link. Is there something I could have modified that would cause this? I have re-uploaded the original comments.php file from my theme and still nothing. It was working at one time. I removed the above code from the pages.php originally as we didn’t want any commenting…but now we do. This is killing me today. 5 hours on this issue. Please help.

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