Sorry, for double post for any inconvenience. and before open topic, I had search and discovered that article you given. but I’m newbie in these field to it’s hard to understand what it said, no idea. Sorry… not your fault.
Most of all, making in mod_sec related .htaccess file in in wp-admin directory makes whole admin site can’t accessible. I asked Host provider, they don’t allow modification local mod_sec disable. ?? It simply not allowed by their policy. so I reached several local host providers but they also said same(or similar) policy. I had to choose between turn mod_sec off or make modification.
and BTW, I asked the provider turn mod_sec off. then I took test but It doesn’t work. awkward? huh? So, I ‘disabled’ the code by ‘/’ then, anyway worked. They have something very awful jobs. They are one of best guys in my country. Must I’m living in terrible country. I guess. Please, understand. Goal is simple. working Flash uploader. No sacrificing security would be better(You will found several articles in this forum don’t recommend to turn off mod_sec) even in sake modification(just adding two ‘/’) in code.
‘Version’ means you read codes from not released(‘future’) version? right? so I can expect soothing from this somewhat later?