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  • Macs and PC’s generally have different fonts installed on them. What font are you trying to use and how?

    Thread Starter jscheps


    We are using the font Jenna Sue.
    And I hate to sound very tech illiterate, but when you say how what do you mean?? Currently we have it entered into the custom css feed under styling options.

    Thread Starter jscheps


    Can anyone help me understand how I can format text/fonts so that it shows up properly on a Mac?? It works on the PC but on a Mac it doesn’t format properly.

    The font “Jenna Sue” isn’t one that I’ve heard of before, and that means that it’s not a system font. To explain a bit more… System fonts are the “standard” fonts that are installed by pretty much every operating system that’s sold. The normal list includes Arial, Helvetica, some variation of Courier and a couple of others. If you use any font that’s not in the standard system font range it will not display on a PC that doesn’t have that actual font installed.

    This means that the font that you want to use will load on your PC because it’s installed there, and it’s not installed on the Mac. I wouldn’t be able to see that font either, even though I’m on a Windows PC, because I don’t have that font installed – and neither will the vast majority of your sites visitors.

    But, don’t dispair, all is not lost. There’s a few different things that you can do, depending in the licencing of that font.

    1. First, if your fonts licence allows embedding on websites then you can convert it to a Cufon font and use it with that script. This is probably the eaisest to do, and there’s a plugin that sorts out loading all of the Cufon stuff for you.
    2. Secondly, you can try to convert the font into font-face files and embed these in your CSS stylesheet. This is a good way to do it, and works without JavaScript, but can give less-then-perfect results with smaller font sizes.
    3. Last resort is to create image files for all of the text that uses that font, and use those instead of the text on the page. This is really the worst idea of all, but if you’re at a stage where this is your only option, well, that’s what you do.

    Hopefully that’s explained things a little bit better for you.

    EDIT – cross-posted – see great explanation above (as usual ?? ).

    Sorry this got lost – where did you get the font? Did you include all this:

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'JennaSueRegular';
        src: url('JennaSue-webfont.eot');
        src: url('JennaSue-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
             url('JennaSue-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
             url('JennaSue-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
             url('JennaSue-webfont.svg#JennaSueRegular') format('svg');
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;

    I actually tried it on a test site and could not get it to work on my Mac (don’t know about PC).

    You might try either posting on the theme forum – though I’m not sure the developers do much support for the free versions.

    Or alternatively, use a font plugin like:

    Which means you may have to use another font, but there are many there and the implementation might be easier.

    Thread Starter jscheps


    Thank you, am looking into both suggestions, hopefully will come up successful.

    I just installed it on a test site and it looks just fine on both of my Macs and on my iPhone ??

    Currently we have it entered into the custom css feed under styling options.

    … this may be the issue.

    I got it to work by uploading the four font files to a newly created “fonts” folder in the folder of the theme I am using, then adding the code that WPyogi provided to the end of the theme’s CSS file, BUT adding fonts/ before each of the five occurrences of ‘JennaSue…’ so they are like ‘fonts/JennaSue…’

    I then added ‘JennaSueRegular’ to the front of a font-family entry.

    NOTE: This was done this way just to test. You should correctly set up a Child Theme to use for production:

    It’s actually a nice font for a certain style of site ??

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