• Resolved Ratlerek



    I am a newbie and I need your little help. I have got a problem with a [url=https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/02/23/magazeen-free-magazine-look-wordpress-theme/]MAGAZEEN theme[/url]. I have translated and modified this theme for [url=https://blog.ratlerek.pl]my first blog site[/url] just by my self. Unfortunatly, the timthumb.php file dosen’t work properly and the miniatures of the photos don’t show up in the “Featured News” section (I have translated this into “Aktualno?ci” in Polish language but it dosen’t matter – this is not the problem issue).

    I have read on internet that this problem was a very common. I have read a lot of posts about fixing this bug but I need a step by step manual what to do? I remind you I am not a native English speaker. I used to learn HTML last time when I was in high school and it was in past century. Javascript code is like a magic to me. Could you help me?

    Firstly, I haven’t changed anything into the timthumb.php code. The file was uploaded just like it was in the magazeen theme pack on my ftp account. Then I saw this bug on my website:

    Notice: Undefined index: extension in /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/RATLEREKTHEME/timthumb.php on line 245
    Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: in /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/RATLEREKTHEME/timthumb.php on line 206
    Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: '/home/u526522969/public_html/blog/' is not a valid JPEG file in /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/RATLEREKTHEME/timthumb.php on line 206
    Unable to open image : /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/

    The code of timthumb.php which I have had uploaded with magazeen theme pack was:

    [Excessive code moderated. Please use a pastebin.]

    Please, can you help me to fix my problem? I have created a timthumb-config.php file. What should I write here to make my blog works right?

    Best regards,

    Radek Herka

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  • Thread Starter Ratlerek


    F**C! My post has been cut! :/

    After the sentence: “The code of timthumb.php which I have had uploaded with magazeen theme pack was” was the code:

    <script src=”https://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=fVkMwTDH”></script&gt;

    And after that was a few sentences to. I wrote that I came to the conclusion that I can update the timthumb.php file to a newest version. So i did. And now I have got a new message:

    <script src=”https://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=Mmf9fYND”></script&gt;

    The rest of the post has been saved.

    So then, can you help me?

    Radek Herka

    Sounds like you should ask whoever you got that theme from. These forums only support themes from here:


    Thread Starter Ratlerek


    I see, but I guess this is a general problem and the MAGAZEEN theme is free. I have read a few posts from here: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/02/23/magazeen-free-magazine-look-wordpress-theme/ , to find a support. I even have written a post, but hasn’t been published yet. The last post there was written in 2011 and noone make another one since then. So I think that this support is dead. I have found a few posts there with a few tips “how to fix” my problem, but I don’t know how to use them, step by step. So I wrote a post here. Can you help me?

    So why are you using such an outdated theme? That’s asking for many problems. Also, that script was the cause of widespread hacks – some hosting companies still disable it.

    Why not use a theme that is current and supported?

    Thread Starter Ratlerek


    I liked it. That is why I have chosen exactly this theme. Beside. I had spend a lot of time to translate this theme. I modified it to. I don’t want to waste that time. The only one f…ing bug with this theme is a timthumb.php bug. I know it can be fixed. Just I can’t to do it by my self. As i wrote to you, I am not a programmer. I know a little bit about HTML code from my high school time. That is all. I think, that someone who knows the javascript code can help me easly. Do you know someone like this?

    People of wordpress,..

    I have this annoying issue with Timthumb. I’m not sure what is causing the problem but it’s a common problem from what i’ve read. Timthumb won’t generate thumbnails. I’ve checked the CHMOD of the files and folders needed for this script. I’ve checked if a GD library is running,.. i’ve checked caching… but still nothing.

    The frustrating thing is.. the same script from the same theme will run properly on this domain which i’ve used as prototype for this website:

    BUT IT WON’T WORK HERE (sorry caps) :

    The only difference is different providers.. And one difference is that i’ve imported the content from droog.donorbrain.com to testwebsitemaurice using wordpress XML export and import,.. perhaps that messed things up but i doubt it.

    If anyone can help or point me in the right direction that would really be appreciated !


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