I am just wrapping up work on a site for a Canadian record label. We are using WordPress with Mage Enabler.
I found Mage Enabler to be very easy to use and extremely helpful.
On the home page of the site, we are pulling in products from a ‘featured’ category in Magento. We also have some ‘deal’ widgets that pull in a single item from a promotion category. The client can swap these widgets out as they like.
On interior pages of the site, we are pulling in products from a few different categories, and in some cases, by product SKU. It’s all integrated into the WordPress CMS so all the client has to do is enter a category ID or SKU.
Once in the Magento store, I pulled in the WordPress menus using this handy technique:
I haven’t tried to pull in the Magento session to the WordPress site, I guess that’s a challenge for the future.
Thanks for all your hard work and the excellent support you offer for this plugin.