Mail, attachments, paypal checkout, [your-mail] for mail(2), conditional fields
Good evening everyone
I have a series of problems with a contact form that is quite complex and has this series of fields:Metodo di pagamento [select* Pagamento "PayPal" "Bonifico"] [group PayPal]
<label> Il tuo nome [text* your-name akismet:author_email placeholder "Nome"] </label><label> Il tuo cognome [text* your-surname akismet:author_email placeholder "Cognome"] </label>
<label> La tua data di nascita [date* Datadinascita max:2005-01-02] </label>
<label> Il tuo indirizzo di residenza [text* your-address akismet:author_email placeholder "Via/Piazza, Numero Civico"] </label>
<label> La tua città di residenza [text* your-city akismet:author_email placeholder "Città/località"] </label>
<label> Il tuo numero di telefono [tel* Numeroditelefono akismet:author_email placeholder "Cellulare"] </label>
<label> La tua email [email* your-email akismet:author_email placeholder "nomeutente@dominio"] </label>
<label> In rappresentanza di minore [select* Rappresentantediminore-paypal "Seleziona la tua opzione" "Si" "No"] </label>
[group dati-minore-paypal]
<label> Il suo nome [text* his-name akismet:author_email placeholder "Nome"] </label>
<label> Il suo cognome [text* his-surname akismet:author_email placeholder "Cognome"] </label><label> La sua certificazione medica (MAX 5MB. File consentiti: PDF, JPG, PNG) [file* Certificazionemedica limit:5mb filetypes:pdf|jpg|png] </label>
[/group] Scegli come parteciperai [select* scelta-paypal "Seleziona la tua opzione" "GIRO MTB + PRANZO - 30,00€" "TREKKING + PRANZO - 25,00€" "GIRO MTB - 20,00€" "TREKKING 10,00€" "PRANZO - 10,00€"] [group certificazione-medica-maggiorenne-paypal]
<label> La tua certificazione medica (MAX 5MB. File consentiti: PDF, JPG, PNG) [file* Certificazionemedica limit:5mb filetypes:pdf|jpg|png] </label>
[/group] [textarea your-message akismet:author_url placeholder "Richieste particolari, intolleranze alimentari, necessità…"]
[/group] [group Bonifico]
<label> Il tuo nome [text* your-name akismet:author_email placeholder "Nome"] </label><label> Il tuo cognome [text* your-surname akismet:author_email placeholder "Cognome"] </label>
<label> La tua data di nascita [date* Datadinascita max:2005-01-02] </label>
<label> Il tuo indirizzo di residenza [text* your-address akismet:author_email placeholder "Via/Piazza, Numero Civico"] </label>
<label> La tua città di residenza [text* your-city akismet:author_email placeholder "Città/località"] </label>
<label> Il tuo numero di telefono [tel* Numeroditelefono akismet:author_email placeholder "Cellulare"] </label>
<label> La tua email [email* your-email akismet:author_email placeholder "nomeutente@dominio"] </label>
<label> In rappresentanza di minore [select* Rappresentantediminore-bonifico "Seleziona la tua opzione" "Si" "No"] </label>
[group dati-minore-bonifico]
<label> Il suo nome [text* his-name akismet:author_email placeholder "Nome"] </label>
<label> Il suo cognome [text* his-surname akismet:author_email placeholder "Cognome"] </label>
<label> La sua certificazione medica (MAX 5MB. File consentiti: PDF, JPG, PNG) [file* Certificazionemedica limit:5mb filetypes:pdf|jpg|png] </label>
[/group] Scegli come parteciperai [select* scelta-bonifico "Seleziona la tua opzione" "GIRO MTB + PRANZO - 30,00€" "TREKKING + PRANZO - 25,00€" "GIRO MTB - 20,00€" "TREKKING 10,00€" "PRANZO - 10,00€"] [group certificazione-medica-maggiorenne-bonifico]
<label> La tua certificazione medica (MAX 5MB. File consentiti: PDF, JPG, PNG) [file* Certificazionemedica limit:5mb filetypes:pdf|jpg|png] </label>
[/group] IBAN IT16Y0101585610000070628101, Intestato a ASD MONTIFERRU MTB Ricevuta del bonifico (MAX 5MB. File consentiti: PDF, JPG, PNG) [file* Ricevutabonifico limit:5mb filetypes:pdf|jpg|png] [textarea your-message akismet:author_url placeholder "Richieste particolari, intolleranze alimentari, necessità…"]
[/group] [acceptance Terminiecondizioni] Termini e Condizioni [/acceptance] [submit "Invia"]To use them with this contact form I installed the pro version of the following plugin:
- Contact Form 7 – PayPal & Stripe Add-on Pro
And also the following plugin;
And also this one:
- Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7
To sum up:
- When the user, in “Metodo pagamento”, chooses “Bonifico”, pressing “Invia”, the form returns an error;
- When the user, in “Metodo pagamento”, chooses “PayPal”, the redirection to PayPal returns an error;
- With the email I receive from the user, as administrator, I would like to receive only the filled in fields and also the files attached by the user (attachment problem, I can’t understand how to insert the tag correctly) with a layout chosen by me;
- I would like to send an automatic reply email as a receipt to the user, but the plugin does not allow me to use the [your-mail] tag because it is considered unsafe. In this email I would like to attach a file (same problem as attachments);
- In general, in the Email tab I am notified of an error that I don’t understand;
- The Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 settings seem to work well. The only annoyance is that I would like the fields that are not visible based on what the user chooses not to be taken into account in the email I receive as the recipient of the user’s request.
Thank you in advance
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
- Contact Form 7 – PayPal & Stripe Add-on Pro
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