Hi @mominet,
Maybe I didn’t understand well and I haven’t fully understood yet ?? but now the data arrives complete by selecting option values in Multiple Option Value.
I could replicate on your form export, it seems like the spaces in the value are causing an issue and causing the data to not get saved.
There are empty spaces present for most of the option values and that’s causing the issue.
Screenshot at 16:57:53.png
The same is the case with multiple select options used where:
Handanovic;Handanovic; 0
Montipo' ;Montipo' ; 0
Radu I. ;Radu I. ; 0
In the above you’ll notice there are spaces before the semicolon, spaces should be present after the semi-colon and not before.
This would be the correct format:
Handanovic; Handanovic; 0
Montipo'; Montipo'; 0
Radu I.; Radu I.; 0
Could you please update the select field accordingly and then check if you still face anomalies regarding this?
I’ll make sure to bring this to our team’s attention to see whether there is any way to resolve such anomalies on the plugin side.
in case of multiple selection, since numerous items must be selected in my form, both in the mail and among the submissions the data are shown “in line” separated with a comma, they can be shown “in column” by going to head for each data ?
I’m afraid, there isn’t any out of the box setting regarding this. If there won’t be any changes to the current format of your form then you could try the following snippet and see whether it helps:
add_filter( 'forminator_get_formatted_form_entry', function( $html ){
$html = str_replace(',', '<br>', $html);
return $html;
} );
The above snippet can be added as a mu-plugins. Please check this link on how to implement the above code as a mu-plugins:
Please do let us know how that goes.
Kind Regards,