• Resolved 8bit7


    Right now it auto signs them up to mailchimp if they spin the wheel, but I really REALLY need to double opt in before subscribing (i.e. mailchimp sends them the email with a link to verify subscription). Is there a setting for this? Can I edit the code to do so? I can do whatever you need in the functions or make a custom plugin if you could give me some advice or code.

    Thanks much!

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  • Plugin Author Wombat Plugins


    Hi @8bit7

    Our paid version already includes a setting to enable this. If we find some time, we will also port it to the free version.

    In the meantime, maybe you can force the double optin through Mailchimp settings? Not sure that exists but might be worth looking into.

    Thread Starter 8bit7


    Awesome Thanks. The problem is actually incredibly simple so perhaps it could be a quick priority if your schedule allows?

    The problem is in the file /wp-content/plugins/wp-optin-wheel/code/services/class-mailchimp-service.php

    On line 18 it says ‘status’ => ‘subscribed’ but a simple admin option to set it to ‘status’ => ‘pending’ is all it takes to allow mailchimp to double optin. Since this is a serious privacy concern for users and actually is required by governmental laws in some places perhaps it could be done soon.

    Below I have copied the entire fixed code for you. I am already running this and it works great.

    namespace MABEL_WOF_LITE\Code\Services
    	use MABEL_WOF_LITE\Core\Common\Linq\Enumerable;
    	use MABEL_WOF_LITE\Core\Common\Managers\Settings_Manager;
    	class MailChimp_Service
    		public static function add_to_list($list_id, $email, $fields) {
    				return "This email address is already used.";
    			$data = [
    				'email_address' => $email,
    				'status' =>  'pending' /* CHANGED THIS LINE FROM 'status' =>  'subscribed' TO 'status' =>  'pending' */
    				$merge_fields = [];
    				foreach($fields as $field){
    					$merge_fields[$field->id] = $field->value;
    				$data['merge_fields'] = $merge_fields;
    			$response = self::request('lists/'.$list_id.'/members/'.md5(strtolower($email)),$data);
    			if(isset($response->status) && $response->status == 400)
    				return $response->detail;
    			return true;
    		public static function get_email_lists() {
    			$payload = self::request('lists?count=100', null, 'get');
    			if($payload === null) return [];
    			$list_objects = Enumerable::from($payload->lists)->select(function($x){
    				return  ['id' => $x->id, 'name' => $x->name];
    			$lists = [];
    			foreach($list_objects as $list) {
    				array_push($lists, [ 'id' => $list['id'], 'title' => $list['name'] ] );
    			return $lists;
    		public static function is_in_list($email,$listId) {
    			$hash = md5(strtolower($email));
    			$response = self::request('lists/'.$listId.'/members/'.$hash,null,'get');
    			if($response->status === 'subscribed' || $response->status === 'pending') return true;
    			return false;
    		public static function get_fields_from_list($listId){
    			$response = self::request('lists/'.$listId.'/merge-fields',null,'get');
    			return Enumerable::from($response->merge_fields)->where(function($x){return $x->type === 'text';})->select(function($x){
    				return [ 'id' => $x->tag, 'title' => $x->name ];
    		private static function request($type, array $body = null, $method = 'post') {
    			$api_key = Settings_Manager::get_setting('mailchimp_api');
    			if($api_key === null) return null;
    			$data_center = explode('-',$api_key)[1];
    			$url = 'https://' . $data_center . '.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/'.$type.'/';
    			$headers = [
    				'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( 'user:' . $api_key ),
    				'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
    			$options = [
    				'timeout' => 15,
    				'headers' => $headers
    			if($body != null) {
    				$options['body'] = json_encode( $body );
    				$options['method'] = 'PUT';
    			$response = $method === 'post' ? wp_remote_post( $url, $options) : wp_remote_get($url,$options);
    			if(is_wp_error($response)) return null;
    			return json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response ));
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