• Resolved RichWin831


    I added a horizontal bar form below the header. I edit the size on stylesheet.css and it really looks good on the homepage now.

    as you can see https://evenuneven.com/

    The problem now. Is when you go on the product pages, blog pages, category pages, and some other pages. The form I added become ruined. The height becomes larger and the buttons are misplaced.

    I added the form code at the most bottom part of header.php

    And this this the code I added in styleshee.css

    MailChimp Custom Style for Horizontal Bar form

    background-color: #ccffcc;
    float: right;
    position: relative;
    padding-left: 147px;
    padding-right: 10px;

    #mce-email {
    float: right;



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  • Hi RichWin831,

    Thanks for hopping in the forum. I will combine your questions into this response. Looking at your website, it’s seems you’re using the MailChimp embed code and not the wordpress plugin. When I view it, the form looks good on the front page, but the subscribe button is larger on the other pages. This guide from the MailChimp knowledge base, has some tips on editing the css of the form: https://kb.mailchimp.com/article/embed-code-css-reference/

    Specifically, to modify the button, you might want to apply some styling to the #mc-embedded-subscribe css id.


    Thread Starter RichWin831


    Hello Thank you so much. That helps me. and I already solve it.


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