MailerEngine outdated?
My name’s John and I’m a technical support employee for a webhosting company in Holland. I’m currently researching an issue with our customers using the PostSMTP plugin.
Whenever someone uses a contact form that’s been setup with PostSMTP.
They’re getting the following error: smtp; 554 Transaction failed: i/o errorAfter a thorough investigation our system engineers are seeing traces of the use of older Mailer Engines.
Some of these issues have been resolved by updating the MailerEngine. But those were custom build scripts based on older code.
We were breaking our heads why PostSMTP, which is a plugin commonly used by WordPress users and which is updated quite often, is also showing these symptoms.
Then our eye caught a single line on the plugin information page:
It replaces the default WordPress SMTP library, PHPMailer, with the heavy-duty Zend_Mail
Knowing that Zend_Mail has been abandonment for years already I started my search.
Looking into some sites we’re seeing the following folder:
/wp-content/plugins/post-smtp/Postman/Postman-Mail/Zend-1.12.10/If this is indeed the version that is used as MailerEngine, then it would be a very old MailerEngine, dated: 2010-05-23
Source: latest version of Zend is version: 2.10.0
Source: would like to know if under the hood PostSMTP is indeed using Zend 1.12.0 which would explain the error and would fit our system engineers thought that this plugin would use an old engine.
Can this Zend Engine be updated to the latest version in this plugin? Or can PostSMTP migrate their Zend implementation to Laminas?
Laminas is the follow-up project for Zend.
There’s an entire manual that explains how to migrate from Zend to Laminas: like to hear from you about this.
With regards,
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