• Is there a mailing list plug in for v1.2.2 that allows users to add their email address for a newsletter mail out?

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  • I use Bloglet for this. Bloglet is nice because it lets your readers condense all of their blog reading into a single email instead of individual emails for each post on each blog.

    Every day, you get an email with the previous day’s posts, which Bloglet pulls down from your RDF feed. (Be sure to give them the RDF feed and not the RSS2.0 feed!) It’s not great if you want to send out everything immediately, but I’m satisfied with daily digests going to my email readers, and it’s an easier external solution than maintaining a plugin and having my own server send out all that mail.

    I’d rather there was a plugin where people could sign up for the mailing list, and then one category (shown, or not) could reside as the mailing list for broader updates to people who want to be informed, but not come read your blog.

    good for unique announcements (llike your birthday party,) weekly update to friends and fans.

    something totally different from subscribing, rather another avenue of communication coming from the WP site.

    my .02p

    You can still do that with Bloglet, though.

    Instead of providing the RDF feed for your whole site, just provide the feed for the special category. The feed should be here (or something similar), if you’ve got permalinks working:


    If you don’t want to display that category on your site, just exclude it from the displayed categories using one of the $cat = '-X'; methods discussed in many places.

    I might have to try this Bloglet option ringmaster. I too am looking for a mailing list plugin, similiar to ExpressionEngine’s built-in feature. I just want something that will allow visitors to my business’s website, to sign up for a mailing list that I can mange from within WP’s interface. This list wouldn’t necessarily be used to mail out blog posts, but rather emails regarding any news, updates or specials happening with my company and it’s website.

    I’m hoping someone will come up with something for this. I’d donate in a heartbeat!

    I’ve just finish to make a mailing-list plugin.

    The plugin add a “write mail” page to send mails in the post menu and add a “Mailing-list” page in the edit menu to add users.
    It also creates a mailing-list table in the database to manage the mailing-list users.

    Maybe you can give me some suggestions to improve it.

    The last version of mailing-list is aviable here.

    Hi MagicG,

    very nice plug-in. but unfortunatly it wont work propperly on my site.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: glob() in /xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/htdocs/tj/subscribe.php on line 305

    You can see it in action at: https://www.tefla-jaleel.de/subscribe.php
    Can you help me out?

    I could also use some help. I don’t know how to implement this plugin on my site:


    Try putting subscribe.php in https://stalkingthebeast.com/wp folder and of course you should have the other two files in the wp/wp-content/plugins folder. And don’t forget to activate the plugin…

    Thanks–it works! Now I have a question: is there a way to make the notifications work only if I post in a particular category?

    Oh, wait–I see the checkbox below the Write box: “Add notification for this post in the newsletter” — perfect!!!

    there are several plugins for email notification.

    I’m currently using the Subscribe2 plugin

    there also is the email-notification plugin.

    Subscribe2 rocks. Currently have around 300 people on my list and it doesn’t even phase it. However, I think it’s only for 1.5+, but that’s not a big deal as your site is a hack waiting to happen. Take the time to upgrade the the latest.

    lol, good point viper.

    and I second your opinion. Subscribe2 is my favorite so far. the admin interface is very nice and easy to use.

    Perfect–thank you!

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