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  • There is a file : subscribe.php.
    It send a confirmation email to the subscribers.

    hi!.. but how can you create a page for the subscription or how is the process, I don’t have enough info about it, so pls, if you can help me. Because I tried but it shows the form but with the template..

    and also I made some tests, but only sent the email to the admin account :s


    You can consider using this plugin which allows you to just email your blog subscribers :

    I have the same question as sharkweb: How do you call the subscribe page? Like I have links on my blog under pages, right now I have the About page and an Amazon wishlist page. When I set up the amazon wishlist, I was able to pull down the wishlist template on the right (in the admin page creation area). Is this how it is supposed to work with Mailing List plugin? The site is in french and I can’t find any documentation anywhere about this. The plugin is installed and activated, and seems to be functional, and if I go directly to the subscribe.php page you can see the subscribe form. (although the template is all funky right now)

    Link to page:

    See in my sidebar, the link does not work?

    The plugin vprat suggested won’t work for me because I need to send html email. What I’d really need is a newsletter plugin that allows me to create a newsletter template, and then feed in the last 5 posts, and automatically send to the subscribers. And need to be able to manually add subscribers. I’ve been trying to set up phpList (an outside application) and have it 95% the way I want it, but it won’t parse the rss feed due to safe mode being turned on in my server. Since the only content for my newsletter is just going to be my blog posts I figured I’d see if I could just find something that plugged into WP instead.

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