• Hey guys,
    Since the last update when we send out newsletters they all seem to go directly to the home page rather than the unsubscribe page. Infact the user doesnt even unsubscribe when they click on it. For example when clicking on the unsub link the user goes to:https://<HOME_URL>/?mailpoet_page=subscriptions&mailpoet_router&endpoint=subscription&action=confirm_unsubscribe&data=eyJxdWV1ZUlkIjo1NywidG9rZW4iOiIxYnQ0bHh1dnFnMnM0OHc4Y2cwYzhnZzBvY2Nnb29rayIsImVtYWlsIjoiemF5ZF9iaHlhdEBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSJ9
    Instead of: https://<HOME_URL>/unsubsribe?mailpoet_page=subscriptions&mailpoet_router&endpoint=subscription&action=confirm_unsubscribe&data=eyJxdWV1ZUlkIjo1NywidG9rZW4iOiIxYnQ0bHh1dnFnMnM0OHc4Y2cwYzhnZzBvY2Nnb29rayIsImVtYWlsIjoiemF5ZF9iaHlhdEBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSJ9
    Do i need to reinstall mailpoet for this to work?
    I’ve added the shortcode [mailpoet_manage text="Manage your subscription"] to the page but it still doesnt go to that page or unsubscribe those users.
    Please not <HOME_URL> is my sites URL

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  • Tom


    I am having the same problem. I hope this doesn’t require a reinstall..

    Yep, this is bad.
    Without any warning Mailpoet apparently added a confirmation step for unsubscribing, but it doesn’t work out of the box for me and many others. So I’m doubting what to do next. Would be nice if they added the option to turn off the confirmation step.

    Hello @zaydb,

    Sorry for the trouble you’ve been having with your unsubscribe link. We recently introduced a second step when unsubscribing. So the unsubscribe link will first point to a confirmation page with a link to click before being unsubscribed. If you have a custom unsubscribe page, your users will be redirected to this page after they’ve clicked on the confirmation link.

    If your users are being redirected to a page other than the confirmation page please let us know. Rest assured we’ve noted the feedback about this this process, and we’re working to improve improve this further.

    To check the steps for customizing your Unsubscribe page, please go here: https://kb.mailpoet.com/article/221-customize-your-unsubscribe-page



    Thanks for the reply – I’m doing exactly what the documentation says and I’m still getting this: https://omnilegion.com/?mailpoet_page=subscriptions&mailpoet_router&endpoint=subscription&action=confirm_unsubscribe&data=eyJwcmV2aWV3IjoxfQ

    Here is the shortcode I’m using: mailpoet_manage text=”Manage your subscription”

    What am I missing?

    Thread Starter zaydB



    The new manage subscription page works but even after a users unsubscribes its not recorded


    Any updates on this being resolved or advice. I am having the same issue with the unsubscribe link going to my home page.

    We created a custom unsubscribe page following the Mail Poet directions, pointed the Mail Poet settings to that page as the unsubscribe page as directed. In our newsletter the Unsubscribe link appears to point to the correct Mail Poet code to find that page [link:subscription_unsubscribe_url]

    However, when you click on the Unsubscribe it takes you to our home page. When I compared the URL that the site actually directs you to when you click on it and compared it to the “Manage Subscription” one (and that function is working fine) I noticed that the Manage Subscription one starts with our website address and then the permalink for the page we created for “Manage Subscription” while the Unsubscribe does not. I have no idea if that is part of the problem. I did reset my permalinks in case that was the issue but it didn’t help.

    This is very frustrating and almost made us unable to get our first newsletter out this week (or ditch Mail Poet and go with Mail Chimp). Even the most recent update 3.47.1 does not fix this issue.

    I did a very temporary workaround so that I could get our newsletter out. First I tried changing what the “Unsubscribe” linked to and having it go to our “Manage Subscription” page directly (since that is where folks end up anyway) but the newsletter would not allow us to send without an actual “Unsubscribe” location in that link. So, instead I changed the text “Unsubscribe” in the newsletter to say – “To Unsubscribe Use “Manage Subscription Link””. That text itself still links to the broken unsubscribe link and would go to the home page but the goal is for folks to read that and click on “Manage Subscription” instead. The newsletter allowed me to send with that in place and folks are able to unsubscribe by going to that page.

    I hope Mail Poet gets this fixed soon, otherwise we will be moving to Mail Chimp next week.

    Any updates or insight would be very much appreciated.




    MailPoet Team: Do you have any update on when this is going to be fixed?

    Same problem, different user.

    How can I achieve a one-click-unsubscribe?

    Hope to get some news or tips.

    Hi @wysija,

    after having a look into the code of version 3.47.8, it seems that your two-step unsubscribe flow is missing a setting to customize the “confirm unsubscribe” page.

    A quick fix for me would have been to use the [link:subscription_instant_unsubscribe_url] shortcode, but it is not allowed to use only this one in the footer of the mailing templates.

    How can I set a custom page for the “confirm unsubscribe” page?


    Hi @wysija,

    being able to select a custom “confirm unsubscribe” page would also require a shortcode to get the unsubscribe link.


    Still an issue with 3.47.11 and 3.0.88 premium.

    I did a quick fix (albeit manual and more work) by replacing the unsubscribe link with a quick `mailto: [email protected]?subject=Unsubscribe’ until this is resolved.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by bluedot. Reason: Quick fix until solved
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