MailPress Forms, Mailing List
How can we get forms from the MailPress Forms Add-On to work?
I’m running 5.3 and I see that all the options exist in the MailPress Forms Add-On to create a form that adds users to a particular mailing list, complete with opt-in notification.
The form I created works great in MailPress “Preview” but when placed on a page (by shortcut or PHP code) it doesn’t work — pressing Submit just results in an eventual redraw of the screen and form, with no effect on the mailing list.
Meanwhile, the [mailpress] widget shortcode DOES work, always, even on the same page with the malfunctioning custom form.
It seems pretty clear that the MailPress widget shortcode uses Javascript/AJAX but the custom forms just won’t, no matter how I set them. (I even tried the css, js, and jq shortcode options.)
I’ve already tried switching to the default theme and disabling other plugins.
Is the Forms Add-On feature for mailing lists supposed to be working? Or is it still in development?
Please let me know; thanks.
(P.S. Meanwhile, after many hours I finally found out that you can use the standard widget with [mailpress mailinglist=’##’] when you know the number of the mailing list, but we still want to acquire more data, at least a comment field.)
(Another person wrote . Do you approve of that add-on?)
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