We will definitely test the widget on Volt and fix it (if other can, we can to). But that will be in future releases since right now were focused on rolling out the Analytics features for !Share.
I can offer you another solution. Head to share.cunjo.com on the right side box (Get the widget!) click on Embedded Version, on first step select Website option and go trough the steps to create your inline buttons, at the end, on the right hand side form insert your !Share ID and hit generate code. Copy the generated code, head to your wp installation, Appearence > Editor, on the right side select for example content.php, find <?php the_content();?>
and after or before paste the copied code (depending if you want to show icons above or under content), do this to all post types files you want to show the widget on, ie content-page.php, content-mycustom.php (the structure of these files depend on the theme). See if that works. The down side with embedded version is that you can only use one widget per page, meaning you cannot use inline and bar in the same time, also you can not use inline twice in a page.
Thank you for using !Share, we will let you know when we will have that issue fixed.