• Hello, I have unearthed a major bug within WordPress 3.0 and later versions. It seems you officially can no longer rename permalinks the way you used to, not without activating severe issues. After reinstalling WordPress & activating the Hotfix patch, the “404 page not found” went away and instead our “Leave comment” box disappeared.

    I remember back in www.ads-software.com(com) not too long ago, I used to be able to rename my blog posts without any issue. I could just click “Permalinks”, go to the area & rename it something like systems-design-class and that would become the post’s official title.

    It was so simple & effortless to rename a blog, that I went and did this on at least 4 of them to ensure they had a custom structure. The post showed up fine without any numbers.

    Apparently this was all before the large upgrade to WordPress 3.0 and later versions. Now when I rename this blog to have a custom title, automatically I get a ‘404 page is not found error’. Permalinks are no longer redirecting to any of the blog posts.

    Why can I do it on the others yet I can’t do it on my own host’s(Godaddy) domain? Likely because on the other blogs, they are still using WP version 2.5 or below which seems to make the difference. I even did a fresh install, and these hosted blogs have twice the issues that our regular blogs do.

    Here’s the real issue I am running into: The whole blog is broken.


    I can’t get categories to show correctly, nor can I get the “Leave comment” box to show up at all on any page. All I did was rename one permalink.

    I have exactly one plugin installed/active: “Permalink Fix & Disable canonical redirect pack” by Nick Schalk & Chris Cheney. Its a patch that fixes the “404 not found error” I receive when renaming a blog’s permalink. My main issue is I have no choice but to use this plugin, as any other plugin I tried does not fix the “404 not found” error.

    I also tried WCS Permalink Hotfix by Luke America, yet ran into categories still not showing & the 404 page not found error. I then uninstalled the whole database, used myPhpAdmin, re-installed WordPress from scratch as 3.1 and then 3.2.

    Just for kicks I clicked the blog, the Comment Box & categories were all working fine. I renamed the Permalink and instantly all I would see is a “404 page is not found” error.

    I tested this thoroughly so I would for certain know what caused the issue. So first I installed “Permalink fix & disable canonical redirect” by Chris Cheney, which resolved the problem but left me with no categories to click on & no comment box. I then concluded this “patch” is the culprit for causing the problems. Next, I tested a clean install of WordPress 3.2 without any plugins and tried renaming one permalink. Once I saw “404 not found”, I installed only one plugin: WCS Custom Permalinks hotfix by Luke America. 404 error went away, & now I have the same issue clicking categories and also the “Leave comments” box is no longer clickable.

    So I know for a fact that BOTH of these Permalink hotfix patches are the culprit causing it, as far as they both activate the same problem. However my real dilemma is I have looked through the entire database of plugins & can find no other “patch” that fixes 404 redirects.

    So anytime I rename a single post’s permalink to something else, I’m finding that our entire blog breaks. You cannot leave comments, categories don’t work and it says “404 page not found.” Just about every method I have used to fix this, still disappears the comment box & other links.

    I am at a loss as to why WordPress never sent out a global patch for this. I have never encountered this before and I am considering returning to WordPress 2.0 or earlier, just to use permalinks.

    On the Codex, I think it states there is like five or six surefire plugins that correct the problem. I have used all of them, and the only real worthwhile one WCS Custom Permalinks; still makes our comment box disappear on Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven or any other wordpress themes. I tested it on four separate WordPress installs & it definitely is the culprit.

    If any of you have encountered this issue and can relate to the problem of vanishing page links or comment boxes, your assistance is greatly appreciated. This is the first time I’ve seen this happen.

    I attempted just about every single procedure I can try, including setting up a new database & installing WordPress from scratch. I’m now considering just deleting all files and rolling back everything to WordPress 2.0 because this should not be using our time.

    Is there any known alternative WordPress plugins, that make it easy to rename permalinks without entering the Settings dashboard?

    Thank you for any help or insight you can provide, for those of you who have encountered similar problems or issues along the way. I readily welcome a real solution.

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  • So anytime I rename a single post’s permalink to something else, I’m finding that our entire blog breaks.

    Well, I’m sorry but I’ve renamed individual slugs/permalinks plenty of times on live blogs and not once had this problem. Whatever this issue is, it is specific to your site – which would explain why there’s no core patch. None is needed.

    What custom permalink structure are you using?

    Moderator cubecolour


    I rename page/post slugs all the time without these problems. As the only plugin you’re using is one that diddles with the permalink have you looked into whether that is causing your issues?

    Thread Starter SirAdams


    What custom permalink structure are you using?

    Normal structure through the Settings dashboard.

    Example: word-word-word
    Eg: https://radiantdesignworld.com/world-travel

    What structure?

    Thread Starter SirAdams


    Well I finally decided that it just wasn’t worth it to do anything with the permalink dashboard and decided to locate a plugin.

    I found a fairly decent one that re-titles your permalink and sets up auto-redirect. Comments, categories & so forth are back.

    I do now know for certain that WordPress 3.0 error is caused by canonical redirect. Both of the working Hotfixes disable auto-redirect, which stops the 404 not found error.

    At the same time though, they disable redirect for any links too so some of you may notice your comment box, categories disappear. It is definitely caused by the same Hotfix interacting with server (Godaddy, Hostgator) and is quite a issue.

    One of these days I hope WordPress understands the permalink problem, just releasing a worldwide patch to eliminate the sluggish-loading, 404 error message. That will be the day and until that time…always remember to check every section carefully.

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